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The concept of biorhythms was first developed at the end of the eighteen hundreds to the beginning of the nineteen hundreds. Two people–Viennese professor of psychology Dr Herman Swoboda and William Fliess a physician in Berlin–are separately credited with having independently made the discovery. They postulated the presence of two of the currently acknowledged three biorhythmic cycles: the physical and the emotional cycles. Dr Alfred Teltscher, an Austrian engineer, added the intellectual cycle later.

The purpose of this article is not to support or oppose the claims of those who use or promote these techniques. The objective is to expose the reader to the usage of computers even in these areas

The theory is fairly simple. Human conditions and responses are cyclic in nature. Three distinct cycles, with differing cycle times, have been identified. These are the emotional cycle with 28 days, the physical cycle with 23 days and the intellectual cycle with 33 days. All of these cycles start off at birth.

The phase of the cycle that you are in is supposed to indicate how you would act or respond.

Some software that calculate and graphically represent biorhythms are there on the CD for you to check out.

Krishna Kumar
