
Book Excerpt II

PCQ Bureau
New Update

A data classification policy is fundamental to protecting an

organization's information assets, and sets up categories for governing the

release of sensitive information. This policy provides a framework for

protecting corporate information by making all employees aware of the level of

sensitivity of each piece of information.


Operating without a data classification policy-the status

quo in almost all companies today-leaves most of these decisions in the hands

of individual workers. Naturally, employee decisions are largely based on

subjective factors, rather than on the sensitivity, criticality, and ignorant of

the possibility that in responding to a request for the information, they may be

putting it into the hands of an attacker.

The data classification policy sets forth guidelines for

classifying valuable information into one of several levels. With each data item

assigned a classification, employees can follow a set of data-handling

procedures to protect the company from inadvertent or careless release of

sensitive information. These procedures mitigate the possibility that employees

will be duped into revealing sensitive information to unauthorized persons.


Every employee must be trained on the corporate data

classification policy, including those who do not typically use computers or

corporate communications systems. Because every member of the corporate

workforce-including the cleaning crew, building guards, and copy-room staff,

as well as consultants, contractors and even interns-may have access to

sensitive information.

Management must assign an Information Owner to be

responsible for any information currently in use. Among other things, the

Information Owner is responsible for protecting the information assets.

Ordinarily, the Owner decides what level of classification to assign based on

the need to protect the information, periodically reassesses the classification

level assigned, and decides if any changes are needed. The Information Owner may

also delegate the responsibility of protecting the data to a Custodian or



The Internal category of information is often termed Sensitive by security personnel. I have chosen to use Internal because the term itself explains the intended audience. I have used the term Sensitive not as a security classification but as a convenient method of referring to Confidential, Private, and Internal information: put another way, Sensitive refers to any company information that is not specifically designated as Public.

Classification categories

Information should separated into varying levels of classification based on

its sensitivity. Once a particular classification system is set up, it's an

expensive and time-consuming process to reclassify information into new

categories. In our example policy I chose four classification levels, which is

appropriate for most medium-to-large businesses. Depending on the number and

types of sensitive information, business may choose to add more categories to

further control specific types of information.

In smaller businesses, a three-level classification scheme

may be sufficient. Remember the more complex the classification scheme, the more

expense to the organization in training employees and enforcing the system.

Confidential. This category of information is the most

sensitive. Confidential information is intended for use only within the

organization. In most cases, it should only be shared with a very limited number

of people with an absolute need to know. The nature of Confidential information

is such that any unauthorized disclosure could seriously impact the company, its

shareholders, its business partners, and/or its customers. Items of Confidential

information generally fall into one of these categories:

  • Information concerning trade secrets, proprietary

    source code, technical or functional specifications, or product information

    that could be of advantage to a competitor.

  • Marketing and financial information not available to

    the public.

  • Any other information that is vital to the operation of

    the company such as

    future business strategies.

Excerpted with permission from “The Art of Deception” by Kevin D. Mitnick and William L Simon
