
Create Your Own LiveCDs

PCQ Bureau
New Update

Do you like LiveCDs, but are not able to find the exact one with the packages

of your choice? Then why don't you create one on your own. Yes! I am not joking,

it's very easy. All you need is Fedora (7 or above) installed on a machine and a

software called revisor. Additionally, you will either need an Internet

connection or a Fedora DVD. We created a F10 Live DVD by using a Fedora 10

installation. The first thing you have to do is to install revisor. this can be

done by running the following command:


Direct Hit!

Applies To: Linux users

Price: Free

USP: Customize LiveCD of your own

Primary Link: http://revisor.fedo

Google Keyword: Revisor

#yum install revisor

Once the package and the dependencies are installed, you can start the LiveCD

creation process by running revisor. By default, revisor uses online

repositories to download and install the packages, but if you want you can point

the repository location to the DVD as well. For that, all you need is to run the

following two commands after placing and mounting the DVD:


#ln —s /media/dvd /var/www/html/fedora

#service httpd start

Now open the file /etc/revisor/conf.d/revisor-f10-i386 and change the repository
address to http://localhost/fedora

Now run revisor by running the following command and continue the processes:


Once you run the revisor command

this window will open up. Click on 'Get Started' to continue with the live

CD creation process.
Here you have to select the

option which says 'LiveCD'. Once done, click on the 'Forward' button to

Select the base OS. If you have

modified 'F10-i386' repository, then you have to select 'f10-i386' from

dropdown & deselect all repositories except 'Fedora' and proceed.
Now keep clicking forward till

the time you see this window, and select the packages which you want to add

to the LiveCD.
Proceed till the time you see

this window. Now select the default language, architecture and provide a

root password for your live distro. Once done, click on the 'Forward'

Now you have to set the firewall

settings to your live distro. From here, you can also set the trusted

devices and services.
This window enables you to

create a non root users and provide password for it.
It is done and all you need to

do is to wait for some time to finish the installation and configuration of

the live CD. Once done, burn the ISO to a CD and start using it.