
Data Search Made Simple in ASP.NET 4.0

PCQ Bureau
New Update

ASP.NET has been evolving with each new version—along with a number of

out-of-band releases such as the Ajax Control Toolkit, ASP.NET MVC and Dynamic

Data. ASP.NET 4.0 will see a consolidation of all of these technologies under a

common umbrella along with new enhancements to each of them. However, the core

ASP.NET stack too gets some new features. The one that we'll delve into this

month is a new control called QueryExtender.


How it helps

One of the most common tasks that developers do on Web pages is connect to data
and display them on the page. They also give ways for the user to filter it

based on different criteria. Normally this is done by writing a dynamic SQL

query that changes depending on the filter parameters being sent. For each new

parameter, the developer has to create a new set of steps to parse and add the

filter to the SQL query.

Direct Hit!

Applies To: .NET developers

USP: Learn how to create search queries
in lesser time Primary

Link: Search


The QueryExtender control does away with all this repetitive and cumbersome

coding. Instead by simply dropping a control and configuring it, you can get all

the power of dynamic filtering for your data. This article shows you how you can

do this.

Creating a filter page

To work with the new ASP.NET 4.0 you need to install Visual Studio 2010 Beta

1. This also installs the .NET 4.0 Beta 1. Once installed, fire up VS 2010 and

create a new ASP.NET web site. Connect to your database using LINQ or Entity

Framework and add tables you wish to query to your project. Once that is done,

open up Web.config and add the following line to it in the


assembly="System.Web.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral,


Note: This needs to be done only for the current beta. For later versions, it

will be done automatically.

Now you are ready to start using the QueryExtender control. First off, create

a normal ASPX page that uses the LinqDataSource or the EntityDataSource control

to connect to your respective data model. Attach a GridView to display results

and test it out without filters.

The table on food products shows

a simple data grid with unfiltered data displayed using ASP.NET.

Once this is done, add a control for the user to select what data to filter.

For instance, add a TextBox so that the user can input a part of, say, a name to

search for. Now drop into Design view and add the following code below the data

source control:

When we filter data using the

SearchExpression extender, the data is filtered by the text entered. Here

we're filtering with the letters 'ch.'

This is a simple example of the QueryExtender that uses the SearchExpression

control parameter. This filters the data coming from the LinqDataSource1 by

querying the ProductName field to see if it Contains the keywords entered in the

TextBox1 control. Note that the DataFields parameter allows you to specify

multiple database fields—even ones not in the current table but joined to it.

You can also specify whether the data should be contained anywhere, starts with

or end with it. When you view the page, you can enter some characters into the

textbox and submit the page. The QueryExtender will fill the GridView with the

filtered results.

The RangeExpression filter lets

you provide a minimum and maximum value for a field range to be filtered.
The PropertyExpression allows

filtering based on properties of an element such as the checked property of

a checkbox field.

These are not the only types of search you can do. You can have a

RangeExpression that accepts a minimum and maximum to search for in a field, a

PropertyExpression which allows you look for a particular property value of a

field, a CustomExpression that lets you write code to do specific custom

filtering and an OrderByExpression to sort the results. Take a look at the

following QueryExtender snippet to see examples of each.


You can use these in combinations to create extremely rich advanced search

pages without requiring to write tons of lines of code to parse and dynamically

generate the SQL needed to return the results you want.
