
Query Style Programming with Orcas

PCQ Bureau
New Update

Microsoft released Visual Studio 2008 (project Orcas) Beta 2 in July this

year, which incorporates .NET Framework 3.5. This new framework adds support for

new Web protocols to build WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) services and

also provides support for WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation). The other

noticeable feature is LINQ, which we will talk about in detail.


LINQ and its features

Language Integrated Query, LINQ, allows standard query operations to be

integrated onto the .NET platform so as to provide a unified way to query across

objects, database, and XML in a standard way. LINQ offers compile-time syntax

checking, rich metadata, and Visual Studio's IntelliSense, which were earlier

available with only .NET code. As LINQ is now part of .NET Framework, it allows

for standard query operators to traverse, filter, and update using any .NET

language programming. The standard query operators allow queries to be applied

to IEnumerable based information source and allow developers to use query style

syntaxes (LINQ expressions) for their codes referring to objects or datasets.

The standard query operators are used for LINQ to Objects as well, where they

can be applied to all in-memory information. The power of LINQ is in its

extensibility. LINQ can provide implementations that work over SQL data sources.

LINQ to SQL translates LINQ-based queries into SQL database queries. A

database-specific provider then analyses and transforms these into appropriate

query language for the data store, for example, Microsoft SQL Server. Let's see

how LINQ can be used over Objects in projects and also over SQL for a database


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Applies To:

.NET developers

USP: Programming in query style

Primary Link: .com/hi-in/vstudio/aa700831.aspx

Orcas, LINQ, LINQ to SQL

LINQ to Objects

LINQ to Objects refers to LINQ expressions used for in-memory objects such

as arrays or datasets. To see Language Integrated Query at work, let's create a

new project in Visual Studio 2008. Go to File>New Project and under Project Type

select Visual Basic's Windows project of type Windows Form Application and name

it as LinqDemo1, with this Form1.vb gets created. In the following example we

will try populating a DataGridView with information on files in a directory:

'E:/docs' in our case. First drop a DataGridView from Toolbox pane onto the

Form1 and dock it onto the parent container. Double clicking on the Form1 will

show the code window, where on Form Load event we will first try retrieving the

file information of the directory E:/docs. Using LINQ, we will now write code in

query format to retrieve the file information. The following code snippet does

the same; the file info will be retrieved for the directory and stored in

'files' variable.


Dim files = From file In

My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles("E:\docs") Order By file Select file

The LinqDemo example lists the

file information in directory 'E:/docs' upon execution of application

The variable 'files' would contain IEnumerable of String objects. The

compiler automatically gets to know the type of result the query would return.

And the variable is automatically type-casted according to returned result, thus

variable would be having all the file names from the directory. Once we have the

file names, we would now display file information on DataGridView as a list. For

this we will again use FileSystem to get the file information. With GetFileInfo

of FileSystem we get all the attributes related to a file, like name, creation

time, size etc. If we were not to use LINQ here, it would have required getting

a Collection of FileInfo objects and then using loop we would have retrieved

values to store into an array. With query-based coding, a developer can use LINQ

to traverse and retrieve objects. The following code snippet will return an

IEnumerable of FileInfo objects and then we can populate the DataGridView by

passing the filesInfo to list the result.


Dim filesInfo = From file In files Select


Me.DataGridView1.DataSource = filesInfo.ToList()

Now, on running the project we can have the list of files along with the

information listed in the DataGridView. With this we show how LINQ over objects

in memory is used and how coding has become easier for the developers with the

standard query operators traversing and retrieving over list of objects

Select the 'User' object, mapped

to the table User, in database to set it as the datasource for the project


We have seen how standard query operators can be used to access in-memory

objects for a .NET project using LINQ. Now LINQ to SQL is also a component of

Visual Studio 2008. It provides a platform for managing relational data as

objects coupled with the ability to use query. In LINQ to SQL, the data model of

a relational database is mapped to a developer-defined object model. When this

is executed, LINQ to SQL translates the language-integrated queries into SQL for

execution by the database, and then returns the results to the defined objects.

This provides an ability to work on and manipulate the objects while LINQ to SQL

working in the background tracks the changes and reflects them onto the



Let's create a new VB project in Visual Studio 2008 to see how LINQ to SQL

works. For this create a new Windows Form Application project and name it as

'Linq2SqlDemo.' For LINQ to SQL we have objects mapped to database entities.

These objects can be simple business classes having attributes that correspond

to columns in the database. But with Visual Studio 2008, we can use O-R Designer

to create these objects that map to the database. To do this first we need to

add LINQ to SQL classes template to the project, which is done by right-clicking

the project name on the Solution Explorer window and selecting the Add > New

Item option. On the Add New Item window name it as PcqDemo.dbml. On clicking

'OK' the object relation designer opens up. Through the Server Explorer window,

select an SQL Server database. For this we have a demo database added to the

Data Connections. For displaying the list of users from the table 'Users,'

drag-drop the table from the data connection onto the O-R Designer. This creates

'Users' object corresponding to the table 'Users' with each property mapping to

the corresponding attribute in the database. This creates a LINQ to SQL class

that connects to the database; from Properties we can see it named as

PcqDemoDataContext. Now we can use this class on our application to access and

manipulate the data in the database.

O-R Designer creates the User

object and names the DataContext for Database as PcqDemoDataContext, as

shown in Properties window

Coming back to the form design view we now have to add a data-source to the

project. Here select an Object instead of a Database, something contrary to what

we used to do earlier. On the object-binding window select the 'User' object

under the Project tree. This results in User object being created as data source

with all the attributes. Dropping the User object on the form results in

creating Binding Navigator; now dock the User Binding Navigator to parent

container. On the Form load event write the code that will fetch the list from

the Users table and display it on the Binding Navigator. For this get access to

Data Context, which in our case is PcqDemoDataContext, and we can declare that

globally as follows:


Private Db_con As New PcqDemo3DataContext

Now let's write a query to list the users from the database. We will use LINQ

query on user object that is mapped to the database with the following code


Dim showUsers = From user In Db_con.users Order By

user.username Select user

Me.UserBindingSource.DataSource = showUsers

We need not make database connections, but a reference to the DataContext

that will do the mapping of the objects to the database. The query written in

LINQ at compile time gets translated to SQL query so that the database can

execute it and return the result of the query in an object-defined form. The

LINQ feature is easy to start up with, and the LINQ to SQL feature enables the

developer to do common database-related tasks with ease and reduces their work

on coding.

Dragging DataSource User onto

Form creates its BindingSource and its Navigator, the result shows the User

list ordered by attribute username