
Scripting Engines on IIS Web Server

PCQ Bureau
New Update

Server-side scrip-ting languages are used to display dynamic contents, send

e-mail, interface with databases, and implement e-commerce logic. Apart from ASP

which works out-of-box on IIS, the four most commonly used are JSP (Java Server

Pages), PHP and Perl. We used Windows 2000 Server running IIS 5. In our case,

Windows is installed in C:\ in our case and its directory is ‘Winnt’.

Substitute your drive letter and Windows directory name wherever applicable.


Set up JSP

JSP brings the power of Java programming to server side scripting. First

install the latest Java Development Kit (PCQuest September 2001 CD). Start the

Tomcat installer through the section Developer>Tools on this month’s

CD’s. From the ‘Installation Options’, select ‘NT service’ to install

Tomcat as a service. When prompted for location to install Tomcat, enter

‘c:\tomcat’. Copy the files named and from the directory cdrom\dev\scripting engines\jsp on the CD

to c:\tomcat\conf. If Tomcat or JDK are installed in different directories from

c:\tomcat and c:\jdk1.4, you must change the following lines in file using Notepad:



Copy the file isapi_redirect.dll found in the former directory to

c:\tomcat\bin. If Tomcat is installed in c:\tomcat, double-click on the file

iis_redirect.reg found in the same directory and click on yes to add the

information to the registry. Else copy the file to the hard disk, open it in

Notepad and substitute the occurrences of c:\\tomcat with your path. You must

use two backslashes while specifying the path.


Now launch ‘Internet Service Manager’ applet in Control Panel>

Administrative Tools. Right-click on the computer name (labeled with a computer

icon) and select Properties. In the Internet Information Services tab, click the

Edit button in the Master Properties section. Click on ‘ISAPI Filters’ and

then on Add. Type jakarta for the filter name and for the executable type

c:\tomcat\nin\ isapi_redirect.dll. Return to the main window, by pressing OKs to

save the settings. Right-click on the Default Web Site that will show by

clicking on the ‘+’ icon besides the computer name. Select New> Virtual

directory. Enter jakarta as the alias and for the directory type c:\tomcat\bin.

In the Access Permissions window, check the item labeled ‘Execute (such as

ISAPI applications or CGI)’. Restart IIS Web server by right-clicking on the

computer name and selecting Restart IIS. Open the file server.xml found in

c:\tomcat\ conf and uncomment the line:

port=”8009” minProcessors=”5” maxProcessors=”75”

acceptCount=”10” debug=”0”/>

by removing the surrounding marks. Restart Windows.


Create a file ‘test.jsp’ in the directory c:\tomcat\webapps\ examples\jsp

and type the following contents.

<%out.println(“JSP works on IIS”);%>

Start Internet Explorer on the same machine and enter’. You will be shown a Web page


JSP works with IIS

Henceforth you can test your JSPs by placing them in the above mentioned

