
Unit Testing without Reflections

PCQ Bureau
New Update

Java SE has support for something called 'Reflections'. Reflections is a

set of classes that make unit testing a breeze because it allows runtime code to

programmatically examine an object and get its metadata (like proper ties,

methods, and so on).


Now, mobile applications are programmed using the CLDC (Connect-ed Limited

Device Configuration) framework. CLDC is a set of base application programming

interfaces as well as a virtual machine needed to work with devices like pagers

and mobile phones. CLDC used in conjunction with MIDP (Mobile Information Device

Profile) makes for a very powerful platform to work with mobile devices.

However, this is a stripped down version of Java SE and does not feature any

support for reflections. Thus, developers are left stranded with no way to do

unit testing of their mobile applications. The otherwise universal testing

choice for Java SE applications is JUnit (a unit testing framework) which in

turn uses the Reflections API in Java SE. JMUnit is the alternative here which

is styled similar to JUnit and this can come in handy for testing mobile

applications. Let's see how you can put this to use.

Applies To: Java ME developers

Executing Unit Testing on Java ME-based classes

Primary Link: 

Google Keywords:
unit testing, Java ME testing


You can download the latest version of the framework (1.0.1 at the time of going
to press) from the URL mentioned above. It is a small ZIP file that can be

extracted to any location in your hard drive. Once extracted you need to make

sure that the two jars in the 'dist' folder under the extracted directory

viz. JMUNIT4CLDC10.jar and JMUNIT4 CLDC11.jar are in the CLASSPATH for your

compiler or IDE environment. We'll talk about when and where these two are to

be used, a bit later.



CLDC has two versions-1.0 and 1.1. The difference (in our case) lies in the
presence of floating point primitive data type in CLDC 1.1, while in CLDC 1.0

you will have to use integer type primitives. It is for this reason that we have

two different JAR files for usage with these two profiles.

Like JUnit this framework also works on assertions. It has all the assertions as
JUnit and few more. The assertions used are assertTrue(), assertFalse(), assert

Same(), assertNotSame(), assert Equals(), assertNotEquals(), and assert Null().

The difference for CLDC 1.0 and CLDC 1.1 lies in the assertEquals() method for

floating type primitive that CLDC 1.1 has.

Using the TestCase class

The TestCase is the same as the one you would have encountered in Java SE unit
testing. You first need to create a sub-class of the TestCase class provided in

the jmunit.framework.cldc1X package (replace X with 0 or 1 as per the CLDC

version). And it is always a good practice to use 'Test' as a suffix in this

sub-class. The TestCase is an abstract class with one constructor and one

abstract method.

public void test(int testNumber) throws Throwable;

JMUnit allows unit testing of mobile

applications without using Reflections

All the sub-classes have to implement this method. A sample TestCase class

would look like this:

public class PCQTest extends TestCase{

public PCQTest(){


”PCQ Sample Test”);



public void test(int testNumber) throws Throwable{


case 0:



case 1:



default: break;




The constructor has a call to the super class with two arguments. The first

argument is an integer type primitive specifying the number of tests in your

test case and the second is a String, which conventionally should be used for

identification of the test case. Notice that we have passed the integer 2 in the

argument and the case numbers under switch statement starts from zero. The test

method we implemented is the one responsible for testing your code. You can

place calls for methods implementing the tests in this switch statement. A

simple implementation of one such method is as follows:


public void testPCQAdd() throws


PCQTest test = new PCQTest();


test.add(new Object());




Every method that you implement for testing, that uses assertion methods,

should include the 'throws' clause with AssertFailedException. The exception

is raised by the framework to identify the failure of a test.

Test suites

The Java ME applications are very small in comparison with other Java
appli-cations and a good part of their code is very difficult to test

(multithreading and GUI, for example), so the tests required are usually very

small, but are big enough to need a few test cases. If you need to execute more

than one, you can use a Test Suite.


It's a good option to manage the test cases in specific modules too, if all

of them don't fit in only one. As it's possible to use the JMUnit in

applications with a target device more complex than a mobile phone (like a PDA)

and capable of executing much more complicated code, in future releases, it's

going to be possible to create many test cases, put them in different test

suites and then, put all of them in a test suite root. To create a test suite,

you first need one or more test case. You must create a sub-class of

jmunit.framework. cldc1X.Test Suite. This abstract class has a const-ructor with

one String parameter used to identify the test suite. It is not useful if

there's only one in the entire application. You can put 'Test Suite' or

something else, but if there are many of them, it helps to see what's running.

public class PCQTestSuite

extends TestSuite{

public PCQTestSuite(){

super(“PCQ Tests”);



In conclusion

It's a framework that can come in handy for unit testing of Java ME
applications. The website mentions that the project will soon be merged with

J2MeUnit. Want to know what that means? Wait till the next part of this series.

We will cover more in testing and coding mobile

applications in the coming issues.

Anadi Misra
