An untouched first-generation iPhone from 2007 has shocked both the tech and auction worlds by bringing in a staggering Rs 1.3 Cr ($158,000), breaking the previous record for the most expensive iPhone ever auctioned. Given that it belonged to one of the initial engineers who worked on developing the gadget, this iPhone has a special position in technological history.
With its touchscreen user interface and other functions, the first-generation iPhone, which Steve Jobs unveiled to the world, blazed a route for the sector. The sale has demonstrated the device's enormous worth and its relevance as a technological artefact.
Previous record held earlier?
An iconic iPhone with 4GB was up for grabs at the LCG Auction auction. Anticipated to sell somewhere in the range of $50,000 and $100,000, energetic offering pushed the last cost to a faltering $158,644. By a staggering 250%, this enormous figure surpassed the previous record of $63,000, set earlier this year.
Amazingly, the 4GB first-generation iPhone launched in 2007 for just $499, or roughly Rs 40,000. This indicates that in just 16 years, the value of the device has increased by an astonishing 318 times.
The device was vividly described by LCG Auction, with emphasis placed on its "virtually flawless" condition and pristine seal, making it a valuable find for any collector. Further enhancing its uniqueness, this iPhone was claimed by an individual from the first iPhone designing group, adding a demeanor of wistfulness and verifiable gravitas to the gadget.
Curiously, this 4GB iPhone is thought of as a "Sacred goal" among gatherers because of its short creation period prior to being dominated by the 8GB model. The fact that an unopened 8GB model sold for only $44,771 (roughly Rs 36 lakh) at the same auction demonstrated its rarity.
This sale by and by highlights the huge social and verifiable worth of Apple items among authorities, who will pay monstrous totals for such special pieces. It demonstrates both the enduring legacy of Apple and the zeal of collectors to acquire a piece of this revolutionary technological history.