
3 Open-World Survival Games for Mid-Spec PCs

Open-world survival games are always fun to play. There are multiple games out there, but these games are a good choice for mid-spec PCs.

Boudhaditya Sanyal
New Update
open-world survival games

Survival games are always fun to play. The fun doubles up when they are open-world survival games. These games allow you to roam around freely while protecting yourself from different threats and dangers. With Far Cry 6 being around the corner, here are 5 open-world survival games for mid-spec PCs that can run on systems with as low as 4 GB of RAM and 1 GB of VRAM.


Mist Survival

Mist survival is a single-player survival stealth sandbox game. You will experience the apocalypse stimulation in the form of a virus pandemic. You have to deal with it to survive through the difficulties such as finding shelter and food, threats from the environment, climate and wild animals. From here, you'll partake in some expected elements of the genre. That means going around the environment scouring for ingredients and hoping you have the necessary tools to create something useful. Some of those things are basic materials for something bigger.

While others are simple weapons like wooden spears and shields. Those things become useful as you encounter zombies that occupy buildings with valuable weapons and resources. Aside from the zombies, you'll always have to contend with your own status meters. So eating food, drinking clean water and sleeping in your own home base is a must if you want to survive for more than a day. This game makes horror and survival mix together very well. At random times the mist will appear and spawn zombies near your location and everywhere else. It is a must-try for all horror enthusiasts


Stranded Deep

Stranded deep begins with you sitting on a plane minding your own business when all of a sudden the plane begins plummeting out of the sky. After falling unconscious, you come to realize that you are trapped on the aeroplane. As it descends underwater, the very first challenge of Stranded Deep is to swim through the carcass of the sinking plane and discover a way to the surface. You are going to spend the majority of time in Stranded Deep crafting items and collecting food and water.

This is difficult to do at first but Stranded Deep has a short tutorial to help players get started in the beginning. Players will only be able to craft simple things like a rudimentary knife and a small campfire. As they find more materials and continue crafting more recipes are unlocked for use including stronger gear and items that enable you to more efficiently collect food and water. If survival in nature intrigues you, this is a must-try game.


The Hunter: Call of the Wild

The Hunter is an open-world game complete with massive maps and plenty to discover along with a full-blown RPG with levelling skill trees, new equipment to unlock xp gains etc. In the hunter, everything you do has a purpose and is built around a progression system that makes you a better hunter. With each glorious filling of one's meter, you'll get quests from your contacts in the hunting world via your cell phone.

You can pull up the cell phone and read about the missions at any time including side quests all of which carry with them rewards in the form of xp and cash to buy gear upon completion.

These games are a very good option if you are into survival games and have a mid-spec PC. None of these games requires high-end configuration, but is good-looking and fun to play.
