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New official statistics by the social networking giant revealed
that 0.06% of the billion logins that they have each day are
compromised. That's more than 600,000 per day - that is one in every
140 milliseconds. (By comparison, a blink of the eye takes 300-400
The statistic was revealed in an info graphic published alongside
an official Facebook blog post trumpeting new security features
introduced by the firm.
Facebook says that "one will be able to nominate three to
five "trusted" friends who can help you if you have a
problem accessing your account - if, for instance, someone else has
changed its password and locked you out of your email account. The
idea is that if you need to login to Facebook but can't access your
email account, Facebook will send codes to your friends that they can
pass on to you".
Graham Cluley, Senior Tech consultant at Sophos said "None of
your friends on their own has enough information to access your
account, as they are only sent a single code. But, of course, if your
"trusted" friends turned out to be untrustworthy and banded
together they would - between them - be able to access your account.
So you best be sure that you keep a close eye on who your trusted
friends are (especially if you're prone to falling out, or they think
practical jokes are amusing), and be pretty confident that they are
taking their own computer security seriously. Another thought occurs
to me - if a bad guy has taken over your Facebook and email account,
isn't it likely that he will also change who your trusted friends are
at the same time? Wouldn't that make the whole security measure kind
of pointless?"
Another new announcement is App Passwords - meaning that one will
no longer have to log into Facebook apps with the same credentials
that he uses for his Facebook account. It's certainly a good idea not
to use Facebook password with anybody other than Facebook.
"However, it's not hard to predict that the only people who
might use such a feature might be those who are already very aware of
privacy issues, rather than the great unwashed majority on Facebook"
Cluley continued.