
9 Open Source Development Tools

Development is a leading primary research journal covering the field of developmental biology. Here are some tools for the developer

Sonam Yadav
New Update
Development Tools

Development is a leading primary research journal covering the field of developmental biology. Here are some tools for the developer


1. Neovim

The msg pack API enables structured communication to and from any programming language. Remote plugins run as co-processes that communicate with Neovim safely and asynchronously.

Neovim is a refactor—and sometimes redactor—in the tradition of Vim, which itself derives from Stevie. It is not a rewrite but a continuation and extension of Vim. Neovim strives to be a superset of Vim except for some intentionally-removed misfeatures.



Operating System: Windows, Linux, OS X

2. Office UI Fabric


Fabric is a responsive, mobile-first collection of styles and tools designed to make it quick and simple to create web experiences using the Office Design Language.

Microsoft made Office UI Fabric generally available on GitHub. It's a front-end fabric that allows developers to build Office-like Web apps and add-ins. Now that Fabric is open source, you can apply the same Office Design Language to your own web experiences. With Fabric, you can create an engaging customer experience and save development time.

Office UI Fabric


Operating System: Windows

3. Falcon

Falcon-Software’s detailed process is created to ensure your web project which is completed on-time and on-budget using best-in-breed technology platforms. Falcon describes itself as "a JavaScript library for efficient data fetching." Created by Netflix, it allows Web apps to get and display data very quickly, improving the end user experience. It is still in developer preview status.


Operating System: Windows, Linux, OS X.

4. Jsonnet


Jsonnet is a domain specific configuration language that helps you define JSON data. Jsonnet lets you compute fragments of JSON within the structure, bringing the same benefit to structured data that templating languages bring to plain text. The Jsonnet configuration language was designed to simplify the process of writing JSON. Developers can use it to help organize JSON data. Multi Time Frame Charting is one of the most important aspects of Falcon.


Operating System: Windows, Linux, OS X


5. React

React makes it painless to create interactive UIs. Design simple views for each state in your application and React will efficiently update and render just the right components when your data changes. React is "a JavaScript library for building user interfaces." It provides the "View" component in model–view–controller (MVC) software architecture and is specifically designed for one-page applications with data that changes over time.


Operating System: OS Independent

6. Nuclide

A nuclide is an integrated development environment that supports both mobile and Web development.  Nuclide is the IDE for developing Hack-based web applications, providing auto-completion and inline error highlighting. A nuclide is a set of packages implemented on top of Atom.


Operating System: Windows, Linux, OS X.


The ultimate goal is that the code YAPF produces is as good as the code that a programmer would write if they were following the style guide. It takes away some of the drudgeries of maintaining your code. YAPF takes a different approach. It's based on 'clang-format'.In essence, the algorithm takes the code and reformats it to the best formatting that conforms to the style guide, even if the original code didn't violate the style guide.

Operating System: OS Independent

8. Parse SDKs

Parse is a mobile backend as a service that simplifies the process of creating mobile apps. Parse Server is a new project, separate from the hosted Parse API service. Our intention is to provide and support the growth of an open-source API server and allow new developers to benefit from the powerful Parse client SDKs regardless of where their application logic and data is stored.

Operating System: iOS, OS X, Android

Parse SDKs

9. Bazel

Bazel is Google's own build tool, now publicly available in Beta. Bazel has built-in support for building both client and server software, including client applications for both Android and iOS platforms. It also provides an extensible framework that you can use to develop your own build rules.

Operating System: Linux, OS X


opensource tools

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