
Learn the Technology and Science Behind AI Chatbots

AI chatbots have become an essential component of any support strategy, largely thanks to advances in artificial intelligence technology

Preeti Anand
New Update
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AI chatbots have become an essential component of any support strategy, largely thanks to advances in artificial intelligence technology. ai chatbots allow teams to scale their efforts and provide round-the-clock support while freeing agents to focus on conversations that genuinely require a human touch.


Let's understand what an AI Chatbot is.

A chatbot is an artificial intelligence tool that greets, engages, and serves customers in a friendly and familiar manner. With in-chat forms, this technology can provide customised, immediate responses, help centre article suggestions, and collect customer information. Chatbots that use natural language processing (NLP), such as Zendesk's Answer Bot, can recognise and respond to conversations. This means that AI chatbots can escalate conversations to a live agent as needed and intelligently route tickets to the appropriate support representative for the task, providing them with all the context they need to jump in and troubleshoot. Chatbots can also use AI to advise agents on handling a specific inquiry. AI bots can be deployed across various messaging apps or channels to ensure customers receive immediate assistance.

Why should you include an AI chatbot on your website?


Businesses that have an AI chatbot in their support offerings can serve more customers, improve first response time, and increase agent efficiency. Chatbots assist in reducing the high volume of rote questions received via email, messaging, and other channels by empowering customers to find answers independently and guiding them to quick solutions. Bots can also be integrated into global support efforts, reducing the need for worldwide hiring and training. They're a low-cost way to provide 24/7 support that never sleeps—on weekends, holidays, and in all time zones.

How does an ai chatbot function?

Bots answer questions and guide customers through various scenarios, such as login issues, payment issues, or booking instructions. AI bots can also learn from each engagement and modify their behaviour to provide better support. Chatbots work best with simple, frequently asked questions. Bots can only handle difficult, multi-part questions like a support agent if their underlying technology is highly sophisticated.


How do chatbots make use of AI?

Natural language processing and machine learning are the two main types of AI used by chatbots. Bots can interpret customer requests using natural language processing, including slang, typos, and abbreviations, and machine learning allow them to improve over time. Our Answer Bot is a great example, employing a deep learning model. It also learns from each customer interaction and trains itself to deliver more relevant and personalised content with each resolved ticket. AI chatbots perform best when they know from thousands of service interactions, such as those saved in enterprise CRMs.

What are the advantages of AI chatbots?

  1. Provide convenient 1:1 service around the clock.
  2. Increase the impact and output of your team.
  3. Increase your conversion opportunities.
  4. Watch customer satisfaction skyrocket by meeting them where they are.
  5. Can serve more customers.

What are some examples of AI chatbot uses?

  • Chatbots for Marketing
  • Chatbots to answer frequently asked questions
  • Chatbots aid in global support
  • Chatbots for sales
  • Cart abandonment/discount chatbot
  • Internal support chatbots
  • Chatbots to assist with spikes and fluctuations in ticket prices
  • Chatbots to improve self-service

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