
An answering machine with Linux

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This article tells you how to set up your Linux box as an

answering machine. Please read it carefully and modify the lines where needed. Be careful when working as root, and take care to make backup copies of any file before editing it, so that you can restore it back to the previous state in case something doesn’t work.


You’ll need the following to get started:

  • A working phone line

  • A data-fax-voice modem–internal or external–working

    in Linux,

  • A microphone to record the greeting message, and

  • vgetty installed.


First, you’ll need to compile and install mgetty and vgetty. Here, we

detail the process for source tarballs, RPM-based Linux distributions, and

Deb-based distributions.


For source tarballs (tgz, tar.gz)

  • Download the tarball from 

  • For starters, it’s a good idea to read the file

    "README.1st which comes along with the tarball.

  • Change to the directory where you’ve extracted the

    mgetty source tree, copy the policy.h-dist to policy.h, and edit the same

    file to suit your needs. Usually, the defaults are fine.

  • Do a "make" and if all goes well, you should

    have mgetty in the same directory.

  • Then cd to the "voice" directory and do a

    "make". That should finish the compilation part of vgetty and


  • Since you’re always concerned about crackers wanting

    to overtake your system, you’ll first do a "make -n install"

    to see all the evil things the installation procedure will do.

  • If everything is okay, then do a "make

    install" and you should have mgetty and vgetty compiled and installed


For RPM-based distros (Red Hat, SuSE, Caldera, Mandrake, et al)

  • Check if you already have mgetty and mgetty-voice

    packages installed, by giving the command "rpm -qa | grep mgetty".

    If they’re installed, you can skip this section completely.

  • The RPMs you need on Red Hat are mgetty-x.x.xx.rpm and

    mgetty-voice-x.x.xx.rpm, where x.x.xx is the version number. The RPM you

    need on SuSE is mgetty.rpm, and on Caldera it’s mgetty-x.x.xx.rpm. If you

    don’t have mgetty or vgetty installed already, download the RPMs from one

    of your favorite mirrors or from 

  • Install the downloaded RPMs using the command "rpm -ivh


    For Deb-based distros (Debian, Corel Linux, et al)

  • If you use apt, you can do an "apt-get install

    mgetty-voice" to install vgetty and dependent packages. Skip the next

    two steps if you do this.

  • Download the mgetty-x.x.xx.deb and

    mgetty-voice-x.x.xx.deb from your favorite Debian mirrors or search for it


  • Do a "dpkg -i " to install

    the Deb packages.


    voice.conf resides in either /etc/mgetty or /etc/mgetty+sendfax

    directory. If you’ve installed vgetty from a tarball, the conf file may be

    in /usr/local/lib or /usr/local/etc. In case you don’t find the voice.conf

    file, then it must be there as voice.conf.dist file in the /usr/doc/mgetty-*

    directory. Copy it to /etc/mgetty* or /usr/local/etc/ and start editing.

  • Open voice.conf with your favorite editor (I use vi). You

    need to edit four lines in the voice.conf file.

  • Search for the line "voice_devices". This line

    tells vgetty about the voice devices on your system. Change it to "voice_devices


    For example, my configuration has: voice_devices ttyS1 /*

    My modem is on COM2 */

  • Search for the line "rings 5" or a similar

    line. This line tells vgetty after what number of rings it should be

    invoked. Change this line "rings no_of_rings". My configuration

    has: rings 5 /* After 5 rings */

  • Search for the line "port ttyS0" or a similar

    line. This line tells vgetty on which port to listen. Change this line to

    "port your_modem_device" My configuration has: port ttyS1 /* My

    modem is on COM2 */

  • Search for the line "voice_dir". This line

    tells vgetty where it can find your voice mail and where to save your

    incoming messages. Change this line to "voice_dir /var/spool/voice"

    That ends the configuration. You can experiment with

    voice.conf after you have a working answering machine.

    Recording the greeting message

    There are two ways to record a greeting message on your

    answering machine

  • Using vm:

    Connect your microphone to the mic port of your modem,

    and record your message with the command

    "vm record -m standard.rmd".

    The file is stored as standard.rmd. This can be done

    using an internal microphone or a local handset (type vm to see options).

    Type vm to see the options.

  • Using a pre-recorded voice file:

    You just have to convert your sound file into a format

    expected by your modem, using the pvf tools.

    For example, let’s convert a VOC file to Rockwell

    (compression type 4) format.

    "voctopvf file.voc | pvftormd Rockwell 4 > standard.rmd "

    You can replace Rockwell in the above command by whatever

    format you need. Type pvftormd -h for details.

    Preparing vgetty

  • Be sure to make the "voice_dir" directories

    specified in your voice.conf file. For example, /var/spool/voice, /var/spool/voice/incoming

    and /var/spool/voice/messages. Make sure you copy the file standard.rmd

    created above to /var/spool/voice/messages

  • To invoke vgetty every time your system is booted, add

    the line "S1:345:respawn:/usr/local/sbin/vgetty ttyxx" to your

    /etc/inittab file, where ttyxx is your modem device, and replace /usr/local/sbin/vgetty

    with the proper path to vgetty, like /sbin/vgetty or /usr/sbin/vgetty. You

    might be wondering what 345 is doing there. "345" tells init as to

    which runlevels vgetty will be running in. Here, it means that vgetty will

    be running in 3rd, 4th and the 5th runlevels. For more information check out

    "man inittab".

  • The vgetty logfiles are by default in /var/log/vgetty.ttyxx.log,

    and the vm logfile is in /var/log/vm.log. Read these files if you have

    problems–they’re quite readable and give you many hints as to where the

    problem could be. If you want to see more details in the logfile, increase

    the debug level in your voice.conf file to the highest possible value.

    Using vgetty

    After making the necessary changes in /etc/inittab, you

    can either reboot or run "init q" to start vgetty. vgetty is then

    launched at init and will answer incoming calls. Incoming messages are

    stored in receive_dir–that is, /var/spool/voice/incoming (see voice.conf).

    To play incoming messages, go to the incoming messages

    dir /var/spool/voice/incoming

    Then, to use vm, play the message with "vm play -s

    file_name.rmd" (type vm to see options), and you can hear the message

    through the speaker of your modem.

    To use an audio card and sox, type

    rmdtopvf file.rmd | pvfspeed -s 8000 | pvftobasic > /dev/audio

    (See rmdtopvf -h and rmdtopvf -L for more).

    Congratulations, you have a working Linux answering

    machine now. Tweak your voice.conf file if you want to experiment with your

    Linux answering machine, but remember to backup the voice.conf before you do


    Syed Khader Vali works at IBM global services, Bangalore
