, is a direction finder for Mumbai, which can be
accessed using a WAP-enabled cellphone. The site gives a mobile user detailed
directions on how to reach a desired destination. As a business establishment
you can also get listed on the site and make it easy for mobile users to reach
The main part of the site is the Route finder, wherein you
specify your current location and destination. You get the total distance,
turn-by-turn directions, names of roads, and landmarks you can find on the way.
All this is in text, but you can also make use of tiny maps. This is not all
that good due to the limited screen size. But with things like free airtime for
WAP usage and the Nokia 7110 with a large screen, it can be a handy tool for
mobile users.
On the flip side, the names of roads used while giving
directions are not well known. You also need to specify your location in terms
of which part of the city you are in, like South Mumbai or the Western side,
which may be too much to expect from a newcomer to the city. Overall, the site
still looks in developing stages.
Sandeep Saxena in Mumbai