Local wearable company Boult has unveiled the Striker Pro, its newest smartwatch. The watch is built in India, and it features Always on Display and has an AMOLED display. Customers may also select from the smartwatch's 150+ cloud-based watch faces. The wearable has a frame made of zinc alloy and a selection of straps.
Varun Gupta, CEO and co-founder of Boult, offered the following statement on the launch: "We have always put our hearts and souls into developing the smartwatches we provide so that they perfectly merge fashion, functionality, and the demands of our lively Gen Z community.
We generally stay up with the most recent tech progressions, and we endeavor to bring the freshest advancements as one of the main 5 smartwatch organizations. With our most recent send off, the Striker Expert, we are steering a few critical jumps forward like that, other than fortifying our portfolio in the wellness wearable section."
Boult Striker Pro: Key specs
- Boult Striker Elite athletics a 1.43-inch round HD AMOLED screen that upholds 466x466 goal, 750 nits splendor, and a 60 Hz invigorate rate.
- The smartwatch upholds Consistently In plain view (AoD) and highlights a coordinated speaker and a receiver for Bluetooth calling.
- The smartwatch is outfitted with wellbeing observing abilities like SpO2 blood oxygen levels and pulse checking. The watch even tracks the monthly cycles of female clients.
- Other wellbeing highlights incorporate Sleep cycle, hydration, and activity reminders.
The Striker Pro smartwatch offers 150+ cloud-based watch faces for clients to alter as indicated by their inclinations. Aside from this, the watch likewise accompanies an IP67 water and residue obstruction rating. A portion of its different highlights incorporate savvy notices, a number cruncher, and Weather conditions Subtleties. Striker Pro is viable with Siri and Google Partner and offers an assortment of more than 120 games modes.
Boult Striker Pro: Price and Availability
Boult sent off the Striker Pro smartwatch at a unique cost of Rs 5999. Nonetheless, clients can buy the Striker Pro solely at a proposition cost of Rs 2499 on Boult's true site (www.boultaudio.com) and Flipkart. The watch will be accessible in an assortment of lash choices, including Blue, Dark, Dark, and metal ties.