
Build your own Zipper

PCQ Bureau
New Update

File compression is necessary for several reasons, be it

more efficient storage or transmission of content by your application. You may

not want to develop a full-blown file compression software, but a smaller

version of that. To help with this task for .NET developers, ICSharpCode

provides a .NET assembly called 'SharpZipLib'. This library supports the

ZIP, GZIP, TAR and BZ2 (BZip2) formats. The library is open source, so you can

download the source code and make your optimizations and fixes directly to the

core, or directly lift and plug just the required components into your

application. In the project for this article, we are using the binary

SharpZipLib assembly to develop a tool similar to popular tools like WinZip.


Our current code will process only ZIP files, but adding

support for other formats is as simple as setting a couple of parameters here

and there.

Understanding the project

Our project has six source files in all. SplashScreen, MainWindow,

CommentsSetting and CompressionSetting together handle the UI of the

application. FileSystem and Zipper are classes that do the background work. We

are not delving deep into the code for three of the files; but it suffices to

say that SplashScreen is the startup screen to the application with no

modifications to what VS.NET 2005 writes when you add a form from the 'Splash

Screen' template to the project.



VB.NET developers

The program we develop here demonstrates how to compress files without doing all the ground work
Google keywords:

file compress code free 
On PCQLive CD: pcq_labsmarch\build your own

The name, version and copyright information for this screen

come directly from the project's properties at runtime. The other two files-CommentsSetting

and CompressionSetting, display one dialog box each to let the user add or

change the ZIP file comment and compression ratio, respectively. FileSystem is a

wrapper around Path, File and Directory classes and add some additional

functionality to those classes. Zipper is our interface with the SharpZipLib

component, a wrapper for its functions and performs exception handling.

Code flow

When the user runs the application, the runtime shows the splash screen (SplashScreen.vb)

and times it out after 5 seconds. Then the MainWindow UI is displayed and the

application waits for user interaction through the menu system there. The user

opens an existing ZIP file or creates a new one to start off other


On menu-item selection, the MainWindow code will check the

relevance (and make adjustments if required) before passing it on to the

functions within Zipper. Once the operation completes (success or failure), the

results are shown on the UI. The UI also has a status bar, which is used to

display some progress information. Let's now take up the code in Zipper and

understand it.



At the start of this file, you will notice a 'Structure' defined. This

is used by the last function in the file (ListContents, lines 393—451) that

reads a zip file and loads its directory into the FileInZip structure array. The

caller of ListContents will then use this information to write it to the UI.

This class has nine functions and one important public property (ZipError). All

consumers of the Zipper class must examine the value of the ZipError variable to

determine error status.

That there is an error would be indicated by the called

function-those that have defined Boolean returns will return a 'False',

others will return blank values. Typical errors range from incorrectly provided

information for a task to corruption in the ZIP file.

Getting started

Before attempting to

follow this article, you need to have three things installed on your

system: VS.NET 2003 or 2005 (VB.NET 2005 Express will work),

ICSharpCode's SharpZipLib, and the solution source for this project.

We have provided the

SharpZipLib and the solution source on this month's PCQLive CD-extract

the zip file to a temporary folder. The Src folder in it contains the

source code for this project. The Install folder has the binaries that can

run if you have .NET 2.0 installed. You can install SharpZipLib from the

SharpZipLib folder by extracting the '' file there

and running 'installGAC.bat' there.


You will notice that most of the code in this class plays

around with path strings. This is important because while the program itself is

dealing with absolute paths in MSDOS format ('\'), the ZIP file will store

files with relative paths and UNIX format ('/'). If path information is

improperly passed along, then the resulting output is unusable. Let's take the

actual zipping (lines 45—73) and unzipping (lines 315—355) code and analyze

them. The zipping code is as follows.

zFile = New

ZipOutputStream(File.Create (DestinationFileName))


With zFile



End With

inFile =

ReDim Buf(inFile.Length - 1)

inFile.Read(Buf, 0,

zEntry = New ZipEntry(Path.GetFileName(SourceFilePath))

With zEntry

.DateTime = Now 

.Size = inFile.Length


End With


With oCrc32




zEntry.Crc = .Value

End With

With zFile


.Write(Buf, 0, Buf.Length)




End With

The zipping operation is implemented as a Stream object (ZipInputStream).

So, the first line above instantiates this by passing it a File object, which in

turn is created in the name of our destination ZIP file.

Quick hint: Similar functions exist within the BZip2, GZip

and Tar classes. Next, we need not concern ourselves with the nittygritties of

actually compressing each file. All we do is set up the compression level using

a simple 'SetLevel' method. This method takes a parameter (CompressionLevel),

which can vary from 0 through 6, with 6 being the maximum compression. Then, we

open the file to add to the ZIP in a standard File object and read in the

contents to a Byte array (Buf). Now, we need to compute its 32-bit CRC value.

This is very simply done in line 64 by 'oCrc32.Update(Buf)'. The Crc32 class

provided by the SharpZipLib library handles this for us.


Finally, set this CRC value to the Crc property of our

ZipEntry object (zEntry) and stream in the Bytes using the ZipOutputStream's

Write method. Simple, isn't it?

Our program lets the user change compression settings for any file in the zip. The drop down shows the current file selection for which this applies

Now, let us move on to the unzip code. We are leaving out

the path manipulating code from the listing of lines 315—355 given below.

Dim Src As New




theEntry = Src.GetNextEntry()

If (theEntry Is Nothing) Then Exit Do

efPath = theEntry.Name


entryFileName = Path.GetFileName(efPath)

If (entryFileName.Length > 0) Then

If ( ... ) Then


End If

SW = File.Create(targetName)


Size = Src.Read(Data, 0, Data.Length)

If (Size > 0) Then

SW.Write(Data, 0, Size)


Exit Do

End If



End If

End If



Just how writing to the Zip file involves a ZipOutputStream,

reading from it requires a ZipInputStream. This again requires

instantiation using an opened instance of the ZIP file we

want to extract from. Once opened, we need to enumerate through the

entire ZIP file to locate the file-there is no direct way

to do this yet. This is achieved using the GetNextEntry of the ZipInputStream


Once found, we create a disk file of the same name (File.Create),

read in the data from the ZipInputStream's Read method, and write it to the

disk file we created. Now, where exactly did we uncompress the information or

check its CRC values? Well, it's in our ZipInputStream.Read method does this

automatically for us. If there were problems, the Try-Catch construct around the

above lines in our file will handle the exception.

The rest of the code in this file should be

self-explanatory. But let us discuss two key things before we move on. One, our

ZipOperation is what actually calls for both ZipAFile and Unzip (the classes

with the code above). And this ZipOperation uses a parameter 'DoAndWait'.

This is useful when there are several files being added

into a zip file and it is quite time consuming to keep recompressing the file

every time. When 'True', this parameter will cause the file to be added to a

temporary on-disk location, but not create the ZIP file itself. This also means

that in a set of calls to the ZipOperation function, the last one must have the

DoAndWait set to 'False' or the ZIP file will never be created.

This brings us to the second key point in our program. How

we zip files is by copying them away to a temporary location (value of

WorkingDirectory plus ZIP filename), and once all the files are there and

DoAndWait is False, the ZipAFolder is called to zip the entire folder at a time.

This saves a lot of computing power, but necessitates using that much of disk

space for the duration of the operation. So be careful when compressing large


Current bugs

There are a few 'bugs' in our current code as given. In some places,

canceling a dialog will cause an error and the ZIP file will close. In other

places, operations will appear to succeed when actually the circumstances make

it impossible (exceptions are not being handled at all). Some of this is

intentional, others are accidental. Also we've left out explanation of some

code above. But in-file comments should be sufficient to help you understand

what's happening. The code is there for you so play with it, change it or fix

it. Have fun!

Sujay V Sarma
