
Call of Duty Mobile Battle Royal Mode Classes Explained Here in Detail

There are six classes in the BR mode of Call of Duty mobile. The six classes are Ninja, Clown, Defender, Mechanic, Medic, and Scout. Call of duty mobile

Sushant Rohan Singh
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If you have played the Call of Duty Mobile battle royal mode or BR mode you already know about the different classes that are available for players to choose from. There are six classes in the BR mode of Call of Duty mobile. The six classes are Ninja, Clown, Defender, Mechanic, Medic, and Scout. Each of these classes has its own unique advantages and disadvantages in the game. Some classes like the medic and defender are good in squad matches while others like Ninja are much better in solo matches. Here we will be covering each of these classes in-depth for players who are new to the game and want to know more about the different classes. 



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The clown is not going to make your enemies laugh in the game. The name of this class is misleading to many new players which is why most of the time new players disregard the clown class in the BR Mode. The fact is that Clown is probably one of the worst classes your enemies can encounter in the game. The toy robot of the clown is not there to make enemy players. When the clown throws the toy robot a horde of zombies appears and starts attacking the enemy player in the area. Use the toy robot nearing the end of the match and you will see how this clown will the enemy players cry. 



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This is the default class that new players will see when they start the BR mode for the first time. The defender is the best class for a newbie player in the game. As the name goes the defender is going to defend. Defender class in Call of Duty mobile gets a shield wall that can be deployed multiple times in the match. So when you are in the open and someone starts firing at you then you have a portable shield wall at your disposal. Another advantage of choosing the defender class is the perk advantage of Reinforced Ability which reduces damage from frag grenades in the game and also from the zombies of the Clown. 



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The mechanic class is my personal favorite in Call of Duty mobile BR mode. If you are playing in squad matches then having this class is a must. The mechanic is armed with a drone that can be deployed multiple times in the match. Once deployed on the enemy the drone will start to mess with the enemy’s equipment making the enemy disoriented by messing with the enemy’s vision and hearing. Having said that Drones are delicate and can be destroyed by a few bullets so be aware of that. Another advantage of the Mechanic class is the Engineer ability in the game. This ability augments the player’s sight to where vehicles, hostile traps, and other equipment are highlighted in infrared light, even through walls and ceilings.



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The medic class is based around healing. One of the most overlooked classes by squads but the one class that my squad always has. The Medic’s ability — Master Healer — allows the Medic to use healing items at a faster rate, as well as accelerates the revival process on downed teammates. In the thick of battle, every second matter, and this ability reduces time on two key elements of playing, and winning, this game mode in Call of Duty Mobile. On top of that ability, the Medic has access to the Medical Station. This equipment is a mobile machine that you place on the field of battle, and it spreads healing to yourself and all allies in a blue circle.



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Ninja is the class for solo matches. No other class comes even close to ninja for solo matches in Call of duty mobile. Ninja gets a grappling hook that can be used to cover distances in an instant. If you are under fire then just use the grappling hook and get away immediately. Ninja class also has the Dead Silence ability which lets you sneak around the map with ease. Add some suppressors and nothing can stop you in those solo matches. 



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Another class that is crucial in duo and squad matches. The scout class gets Sensor Dart and the Tracker ability which is extremely crucial in gathering information in the match. The dart helps in gathering information about the enemy’s locations on the map. Some might even say that this class is a bit overpowered but since many players don’t use it to its full advantage they will never know the real potential of the scout. Scout has the Tracker ability in the game. The tracker ability gives recent movement patterns of enemies by highlighting their fresh footprints in infrared light. This is the real power of the scout. 


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