
Call of Duty Mobile Squad Loadout for HighRise Map Multiplayer Mode

In Call of Duty mobile season 8 the Forge the developers introduced a new multiplayer map called Highrise. Call of Duty Mobile. Perks, operator skills.

Sushant Rohan Singh
New Update
Call of Duty Mobile Season 8 The Forge

In Call of Duty mobile season 8 the Forge the developers introduced a new multiplayer map called Highrise. Highrise is a map that was first seen on the Call of Duty Modern warfare. Highrise map is one of the most unique maps in the multiplayer mode. It has multiple levels from the ground to the top. So if you are playing the Highrise map with your squad it is a good idea to read this loadout guide. Loadouts are the most important part of the Call of duty mobile. You have the option to choose weapons, attachments, scorestreaks, operator skills, etc. Each of these plays an important role in the game. The loadout guide will go from player 1 to player 5 since each match has 5 players in each team. Each loadout will give weapons, perks, scorestreaks, and operator skills. 


Call of Duty Highrise map

Player 1

Player 1 will be the player that will use the SMG and will go on the frontlines and keep the pressure on the opponents. In Call of duty mobile SMG’s have a very high rate of fire. The best SMG in the game is the PDW-57. It has 90 damage and it is extremely lightweight which making movement in the game easy. For attachments use the red dot sight with FMJ, Fast reload mag, stock. For perk use lightweight, ghost, dead silence. For operator skill use purifier. 


Player 2

Player 2 will engage in mid-range combat and assist player 1 in his runs. In Call of duty mobile, most players would go with an AR or assault rifle in this position but the best rifle here would be an LMG or light machine gun. Use the UL736 or RPD with the following attachments. Use Holographic sight, Fast reload mag, FMJ, and Stock. Since the LMG is very heavy in the game it hampers movement so be wary of it. Use the following perks Lightweight, Hard wired, alert. For the operator skill use either transform shield or war machine. 

Player 3


Player 3 will be a sniper. Call of duty mobile developers have made a dedicated spot for snipers in the highrise map so definitely take advantage of it. The best sniper gun would be the DL Q33 but if you have the Artic .50 unlocked then use that rifle. The best sniper rifle in the game is DL Q33 but the Artic .50 is an automatic sniper rifle that has almost similar damage to DL Q33. Choose either of them with the following attachments. Use fast mag, stock, FMJ. For perks use Fast recover, Ghost, Alert. For operator skill use sparrow from the store. 

Player 4

This player will use an AR or assault rifle and assist the other players in the game. Use the AK-47 since it has the highest damage in AR rifles. In Call of Duty mobile, the recoil of AK is very hard to control so practice as much as you can before playing. Use the holographic sights, Fast reload mag, stock, and FMJ for attachments. For perks use Skulker, toughness, Demo expert. For operator skills use the death machine or War machine.

Player 5 

Player 5 will also use the SMG and help player 1 in his runs to the opponent spawn area. Player 5 can choose between a shotgun or SMG. I would suggest taking the striker shotgun and PDW 57. If you are using the PDW-57 then follow the same guide for Player 1. If you are using a shotgun like striker then use the following attachments laser sight, fast reload, long barrel. Use the same perks as player 1 with the operator skill purifier. 
