Celkon Mobiles has introduced its latest Android tablet offering in the country, CT910+ HD that has been priced at Rs 7,999 and runs on Android 4.1.2 version. The Hyderabad-based brand has expanded its tablet line-up with the addition of CT910+ and is among host of other brands like Micromax, Lava and Karbonn that are also available in this space.
Celkon CT910+ HD tablet comes with a qHD display only, which contradicts the HD in the brand name and makes us wonder the reason for offering a qHD display only.
The tablet packs a 1 GHz dual-core processor which is quite low when talking in terms of current trends. The slate gets 512 MB RAM, 4 GB internal memory with possible storage expansion.
The tablet also features in-built 3G that offers voice-calling option and you have a 2 MP rear camera and VGA front camera that can be used for video calling.
For connectivity you also get Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS and microUSB and all this has been backed up by a 3,500 mAh battery. Celkon has priced the CT910+HD at Rs 7,999 and will be available via online as well as retail stores.