
Complete Cyberpunk 2077 Beginner Tutorial Guide to Help You Get Started

I went through hours upon hours of playing Cyberpunk 2077 and have finally managed to create a proper beginner tutorial game guide.

Sushant Rohan Singh
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When I started playing Cyberpunk 2077 I just wish I already knew these things. The core ecosystem of the game is nothing that we have seen from CD PROJEKT RED games. Looting is almost a requirement in this game and so are many other things that I learned as the game progressed. Unlike other games like Skyrim or GTA, you won't get the cops called on you even if you loot someone's house in Cyberpunk 2077. You can just walk into someone's home and steal everything they own for your own benefit with no consequences. That is just the start of it.


As the game progressed it became clear that CD PROJEKT RED's Cyberpunk 2077 is not a game that you can just start playing like a pro. Maybe all the battle royale titles have spoiled us but the game felt more of a looter shooter than an RPG like its cousin Witcher. That being said, I went through hours upon hours of playing Cyberpunk 2077 and have finally managed to create a proper beginner tutorial game guide that will help you in getting started with your journey in the world of Night City.

Cyberpunk 2077 Beginner Game Guide:

#1 Inventory Management:


We've established that you are looting everything. That's the basic foundation you need to properly manage your inventory space and there are a number of different things that can help you do that. Every single character in Cyberpunk 2077 will start with three basic attribute points in all categories right from level one. This is important because it guarantees that you can purchase the pack mule trait from the body attribute. That's one perk point for 60 extra carry capacity and it's a very good idea to get very early on.

Now, in the cyberware tab, you'll see a bunch of different slots. One of which is the skeleton. The skeleton slot allows you to use items that boost your carry capacity among other things by a percentage. This then amplifies the pack mule perk and even with just a basic white or green version which is very common and you can buy them the ripper docks. You can get to much higher numbers than the basic amount which will be a phenomenal quality of life and utility improvement for your playthrough.

To get this mod and install it just visit ripper docs around the city and buy one from them. You can also find one yourself if you're killing enemies and you can have them install it. When your inventory is completely full, deconstruct all the white and green weapons and clothing that you aren't wearing. Keep the blue and purple and legendary items intact. When you are completely full of blue and purple items, deconstruct some of those that you don't want as well. This allows you to accumulate crafting components, have a huge inventory with a lot of space.


#2 Deconstruction and Selling:

Money in Cyberpunk 2077 will seem scarce if you don't really know how to get it efficiently. As you loot everything that you see, you will get huge numbers of consumable food and drink items. These items have no weight so you can stack them infinitely and just grab them all the time. However, they pile up extremely fast and they're really common on shelves and on bars and tables. For some reason you can deconstruct these food items like a coffee or a soda and get three green upgrade components.

This is important for gear and weapon upgrades in Cyberpunk 2077. Most of the food items that you get with a few exceptions are worth 10 credits when sold. However, when deconstructed, they give three green components which are sellable and worth eight credits each. That's an increase of 140%. Not only you increase the amount of money you would get even if you just sold two out of the three and not all three but the upgrade components are also useful for a myriad of other things later on. There are tons of these items with just different names all over the Night city. So you can not only double the money that you earn when selling but also convert them into a component that is far more useful in mass quantities.


#3 Skill System- Attributes and Perks

Learning the skill functions of Cyberpunk 2077 will take some time to learn. The game features a multi-layered skill system. Cyberpunk 2077 features two systems to be precise. There are attributes and perks. Out of the two, it is the attributes part that you will need to focus on more. Attributes are what you choose at the beginning of the game. There are 7 attributes in total and are way too important than perks. Arrtibtes in Cyberpunk 2077 dictates how much you can earn and how many abilities you can buy in their respective skill categories.

For example, if I have level 16 cool then I can access and purchase most of the abilities in the subcategories for stealth and cold-blooded. That's not all, these skills stealth and cold-blooded also have their own independent progression rewards way down at the bottom which will gain experience when you do certain activities. Be sure of what you are doing when allocating attribute points. They are permanent and far less common than perk points. Sub skills can only level to the equivalent level of their overarching attribute and having a well-rounded character.


These skill progression rewards give you stat bonuses as you level them up or sometimes most importantly perk points with each level. These perk points get used to buy the abilities in the tree and it's a rather interesting system. No matter what play style you use you will be rewarded for branching out. You'll get even more stats and perk points just from gaining a few a couple of levels of hacking or crafting or whatever else.

#4 Cyberpunk 2077 Weapon System

Cyberpunk 2077 breaks down weapons into three sub-categories. There are smart weapons, power weapons, and tec weapons. One of these is better than the others in almost every single situation and that is tec weapons. Smart weapons will have homing bullets that seek out the target in a sense. The bullets don't fully seek out a target but they'll bend to reach them. Power weapons will send your bullets ricocheting off walls and tec weapons can shoot directly through objects even at absurd lengths. Both smart and power weapons in Cyberpunk 2077 require cybernetic mods in order to function well. Getting those mods will cost you money in Night City.

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