
CX is a core differentiator #Zendesk

Sunil Rajguru
New Update

KT Prasad, MD and RVP, India and SAARC at Zendesk, talks about how interactions in the CRM space have become more conversational, the shift to it becoming customer-centric (as against business-centric) and the role of CX in Digital Transformation, something that has been expedited in the Covid Era.


Explained Prasad, “We strongly believe in providing a beautifully simple CRM solution to customers where we help them to focus on a conversation with the customer rather than figuring out the technology.” He added, “The journey of conversation can start from a bot, can involve a phone, can involve social messaging… Businesses should have an ability to orchestrate how they want a conversation with a customer to happen and drop in all the technology that they want to enable that conversation. Zendesk makes it simple to drive that messaging conversation. We think having this conversation in pockets will not help.”

Prasad said that most businesses think that CX is a core differentiator and India is at the forefront of it: “Businesses are more focused about the journey of a customer. You have to really map the customer journey so you can start giving them the experience that they need. Explaining the changes that are taking place in the Covid Era, he added, “Our loyalties have changed to those companies who are providing experience and who bother about us and the experience journey that we go through.”

Check out the complete interview...



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