
Enterprise Software - CRM

PCQ Bureau
New Update

In both SME and large enterprises, Oracle has taken the top spot by a very comfortable lead. In the SME segment-companies with 100-499 employees, Microsoft stands second to Oracle and followed by SAP in the Users' Choice Club 2011. Oracle enjoys the highest ToM (top of mind) recall by 34% of the respondents in the SME segment, while it is Microsoft that enjoys highest current brand ownership of 26% amongst the respondents.


All respondents who currently own Oracle gave product reliability as their key reason for having chosen the CRM, while only 43% of Microsoft's existing users gave the same reason. A majority of them (about 71%) gave brand value as the key reason. This is possibly because Microsoft has been very active in deploying CRM in the SME space. But for the majority who're likely to deploy Microsoft's CRM in the future, the reason changes to product reliability, and interestingly, it becomes brand value in case of Oracle.


In the large enterprise segment (500-1000 employees), we see quite a few CRM brands making it to the Users' Choice club. Apart from Oracle, Microsoft, and SAP, we saw BaaN and Ramco making it to the elite club. Unlike Microsoft and BaaN, both SAP and Oracle do not enjoy 100% brand loyalty. But good news for them is that 11% of SAP owners are undecided to keep the current brand or shift to another, same ways Oracle too has 5% of such undecided owners.

Upon asking the reason for their future purchase of CRM solution, 76% of respondents who plan to own Oracle in near future said their main influencing factor was the brand value, while Microsoft was chosen by nearly 72% among its fan followers.

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