
Follow these key strategies to implement any IoT project successfully in your organization

By following these points, one can increase the possibilities of making their IoT project a successful one

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As compared to previous years, business applications have changed rapidly. IoT is the major and vital ‘phenomenon’ that is developing constantly and growing within the technology industry. In simple terms, we have entered the “age of Smart Apps and IoT”. IoT affects us, our world, businesses, our technology, and everything that is around us.


Different organizations are adopting a set of IoT strategies to become innovative and to beat their competitors. For businesses, whether small or big, IoT provides useful insights regarding how people are utilizing their products that can change their production, design as well as strategies of sales for serving their customers in a better way and for increasing revenue. 

And by simply applying IoT to internal operations, businesses can easily enhance efficiencies in areas such as workforce optimization, preventative equipment maintenance, etc. Remember skills gaps, incapability to drive valuable data insights, scalability challenges can ruin a project. However, with the correct strategy as well as a proper roadmap, one can get their IoT project to the next higher level. 

Now, before moving to the strategies part, first, understand why IoT is beneficial for any business. 


Increased Efficiency and Productivity: If you wish to improve your business productivity, then understanding the requirements of your customers is quite vital. In fact, IoT-based apps can handle large scale errands much faster and perfectly. 

Inventory Tracking and Management: IoT can change the means organizations track as well as manage all of their inventory. It can save time that workers had to spend in performing necessary and challenging tasks.  

Want to know the key strategies for a successful IoT project? By following these points, one can increase the possibilities of making their IoT project a successful one.

Understand the Case of Your Business

It’s imperative to understand the case of your business and when starting with the IoT journey, recognize what you wish to accomplish with your project. Also, the environmental aspects will be perfect for your project. For companies who have adopted IoT, issues like questions around privacy and lack of skills can become a challenge. So, you need to keep this thing in mind too with the business case as well as need to determine proper technologies for your business project. 

Select the Correct IoT Technology

This is another important component on which your IoT success project depends. If you want your IoT project to be successful then the best platform choice enables your business growth. Ensure to choose the technology that is adjustable to future developments. By utilization of correct tools, frameworks, and protocols, one can easily attain a seamless integration. 

Make Sure Business Can Operate the Environment

Just imagine you want to install 1000 devices and no doubt, those devices maintenance can be a challenge for you. Why? Since you will use all components like Gateways, smart apps, IoT platforms, etc. within the platforms. So, how will you manage defaults or replacements when the device is cracked? How you can protect such devices carefully?


Take another circumstance, imagine you have 3000 workplaces. So, how will you recognize which devices to be placed in rooms or workplaces? How can you track such devices? So, in such a case it becomes vital to create a proper strategy. 

Monitor your Platform Continuously 

Next, the most vital thing is to monitor the IoT platform constantly. Wondering why? Since there are numerous components that you need to be alert of, some of the few elements that need to be monitored in the IoT platform are System availability, Performance, Level of battery, Integration problem, Date Transfer, and much

Estimate and Figure Out all Costs 

Before you start deploying your plans for the IoT project, it’s important to evaluate all costs involved in it. In general, two cost types surmount the project of IoT i.e. fixed and variable cost. While fixed costs can be determined easily, variable cost is the one that takes your enough time as well as energy since they keep on changing. They are quite tricky to evaluate so determining all costs will only help you in the long run. And once you finish determining the costs, you must be ready for deploying your project. 

Implement Security and Governance 

Just like any enterprise solution, the security of IoT is critical as well as datasets must be unidentified, compressed, inscribed just before processing. It’s better to have a governance model for limiting access to all private data. In short, one must align the security and privacy of IoT with the current corporate policies. 

Improve your Project Continuously 

Technology changes every day and every minute; it never remains constant! This is the reason, before jumping into the IoT project, ensure that you will be ready to accept the changes and make perfections as they come. If you are ready to make changes in the future then only plan to deploy your project. Hence, it’s vital to make sure that your project of IoT is flexible and scalable. 

The article is authored by Parikshit Rajput, Mobility Lead, Android Development, Yugasa Software Labs

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