
LinkedIn May Include Games on its Platform

LinkedIn, the renowned professional networking platform, has long been a go-to destination for job seekers, offering a plethora of opportunities and a space for individuals to share their thoughts and experiences.

Kapish Khajuria
New Update
Linkedln games

LinkedIn, the renowned professional networking platform, has long been a go-to destination for job seekers, offering a plethora of opportunities and a space for individuals to share their thoughts and experiences.


However, recent reports suggest that LinkedIn may be gearing up to expand its offerings beyond professional networking by introducing in-app games, potentially transforming it into a competitor for entertainment giants like Netflix and Apple.

How popular is LinkedIn among its users?

With over 1 billion users worldwide, LinkedIn is reportedly venturing into the realm of gaming, according to sources cited by TechCrunch. The platform is said to be developing a new gaming experience, with initial efforts focusing on games such as "Queens," "Inference," and "Crossclimb."


While an official launch date for these games has yet to be confirmed, a spokesperson for LinkedIn acknowledged the company's exploration into gaming, highlighting their intention to introduce puzzle-based games within the LinkedIn ecosystem. The aim, as stated by the spokesperson, is to infuse an element of enjoyment into the platform, foster deeper connections among users, and stimulate meaningful conversations.

How Linkedln is creating a gaming ecosystem on its platform?

Although LinkedIn has remained tight-lipped regarding Microsoft's involvement in this gaming venture, industry analysts speculate on the potential synergy between LinkedIn and Microsoft's expansive gaming business. Microsoft, boasting a gaming division that includes popular brands like Xbox and recently acquired gaming giant Activision Blizzard, reported a staggering $7.1 billion in gaming revenues in the last quarter alone following the completion of its acquisition of Activision Blizzard.


The strategic move towards incorporating gaming into the LinkedIn platform underscores the company's ambition to enhance user engagement and broaden its appeal. By tapping into the lucrative gaming market, LinkedIn aims to prolong the average time spent on its app while simultaneously attracting a larger user base.

In essence, LinkedIn's foray into gaming represents a significant shift in its strategy, signaling its aspiration to evolve beyond its traditional role as a professional networking site. With the potential to rival entertainment behemoths and capitalize on Microsoft's gaming expertise, LinkedIn's expansion into gaming may pave the way for a new era of interconnected professional and recreational experiences within the digital landscape.


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