
Gmail, Youtube and Other Google Suite Goes Down, What Went Wrong?

Youtube, Gmail, and other Google services have stopped working in many countries. We are trying to find out what has happened. Stay tuned. Google Outage

Sushant Rohan Singh
New Update

It seems that Google is dealing with some issues. Services of Google related services including Youtube, Gmail, and other G Suite apps have been impacted. Users on Twitter are also reporting about their Youtube not working. It is still unclear what has happened but from the looks of it, looks like Google is doing something behind the scenes. Users all over are reporting about Google Suite being impacted so this is an issue that is affecting a huge number of users. There are some reports that also claim that this Google outage is only affecting users in India, Russia, and some European countries.

However, we can't confirm with authority if that claim is true. Even Google Analytics has gone down which indicates that all of Google's suite might be going through a major operation. Many Youtube creators have been tweeting without avail. It seems that a world without Google is truly confusing.

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