Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google declared to provide WiFi facilities to 400 railway stations in India last September. The company counted that this massive plan would cover 10 million passengers a day. As of now this is a small planning, but it will have an evocative impact on the estimated one billion people in the country who aren’t connected to the internet, especially the people from rural areas.
Mumbai Central is the first railway station in India that is equipped with high speed wireless internet in January. In one year, 100 more railway stations in India are having this facility, the company announced. This rectitude and integrity belongs to the Udhagamandalam (Ooty) station for stroking the plan at a quarter of its unique aim.
In an interview this week, Indian Railways Minister Suresh Prabhu announced that the partnership would double the amount of stations with WiFi in 2017, a comment that appears to have been misinterpreted by a number of local outlets to mean that Google would be bringing WiFi to an additional 200 stations next year, bringing the total up to 300 by year’s end, reports The TechCrunch.
Google is yet to announce an official goal for 2017. Therefore, the extra 100 stations added to the list would carry the total up to 200 by this year’s end, which is a commendable goal however.