Gujarat Reclaim and Rubber Products Ltd while implementing ISO 14001 and
adopting eco- friendly practices realized the need to form linkages with the
suppliers and customers across the globe.GRRP wanted to have efficient business
processes that would earn for it the reputation of a company that is easy to do
business with. GRRP decided to deploy SAP to streamline its business processes
and have a singular view of its businesses.
GRRP has implemented FICO (Finance and Control), PP (Production and
Planning), QC (Quality Control), MM (Materials Management), and S&D (Sales and
Distribution) modules of SAP. The implementation was divided into five phases:
preparation, blueprint, realization, final prepration and go-live. One of the
main challenges that GRRP faced was in training their employees from diverse
social and professional backgrounds, and getting them to work together. To
counter this, GRRP worked closely with its implementation partner Patni to
define a change management roadmap. Patni involved all the users right from the
blueprint stage of the implementation cycle and conducted extensive training
sessions for users who were not comfortable with English, as good command over
the language is a pre-requisite in using the SAP system.
GRRP claims, post implementation, they are able to adhere to delivery dates
for products as well as control parameters like freight costs, packing costs and
costs due to material rejections. Also this has allowed GRRP to offer flexible
pricing which it was not able to offer in the previous system. GRRP is planning
to implement Plant maintenance module and Business Intelligence
module in future.
Project Specs |
Implementation Partner |
Raghunath Mahalingam, Patni Computer Systems |