The Problem: Effective tracking of customer follow ups was not possible as the data was being maintained in a spreadsheet. There was no provision to capture the reason for why a policy lapsed. Manual intervention was required for allocation of data to multiple users. The process of generating and uploading data into the CRM of the contact center was time consuming. Segmentation of data at cluster, region and zonal level as per sales hierarchy was not possible. Same data was being sent to Branch Operations and Customer service which sometimes led to multiple calls being made causing inconvenience to the customer.
The Solution: A product was needed to enhance the ability to retain customers and collect premiums. The solution would manage the premium collection process and automatically notify contact center agents and HDFCSL's front office team, who then could inform the customers about renewals and revival details.
The Result: INT is a configurable and scalable solution. The Product's workflow capabilities allow it to be easily used and configured to manage data flow across departments like customer Service and branch operations.