
Healthcare: Buzz4health

The startup brings together different medical professionals to help them share their knowledge and expertise with each other

Ashok Pandey
New Update
health care

The startup brings together different medical professionals to help them share their knowledge and expertise with each other


Buzz4health is an online platform which was developed to create an ecosystem that can bridge the gap between medical professionals working in different locations. It aims to change the way medical practitioners collaborate, acquire and share knowledge and expertise, and the way that medical and other healthcare students learn.

Untitled-32 Tushar Gupta Founder

Not all medical professionals have access to the right tools at the right time due to lack of infrastructural facilities, high operational costs and negligible use of technology in the healthcare domain in India. The problem is particularly acute in tier-2 and tier-3 cities where the doctor:patient ratio is abysmally low, and the doctors there have less of an access to quality medical training. Keeping this scenario in mind, Buzz4health seeks to bridge the gap in the country’s medical information realm with the help of technology.


There was an initial friction from the target audience to adopt technology more as compared to their conventional way of learning, but this has drastically changed over the last one year.

Technologies used

There are three fundamental parameters while selecting a technology stack that any technology should fulfill---it should support rapid development, be scalable and be secure. They are using Ruby on Rails, Nginx and Mongodb. The client applications are built using Android Native SDKs, iOS SDKs and web client is developed using HTML5/HAML, JS, JQuery, BackboneJS, CSS3 and Bootstrap. They are also working in parallel on wearable technology which integrates the software and hardware platform with cloud-based architecture in the backend.



How they’ve progressed

Presently 150k+ doctors are using this platform and it is open for the global medical community. However, the majority users are from emerging countries, i.e. India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Iran, Egypt, Nepal, Afghanistan, etc. Specifically, in India a major user base is from metro cities like New Delhi, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Kolkata, and Pune with many active doctors from Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3 cities and small towns spread across India.


Hitesh Ganjoo 2013 A platform for the medical community to collaborate for information purposes Medical professionals 1,50,000+ doctors in India and abroad


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