The seventh edition of the India Mobile Congress (IMC) will be held in Pragati Maidan in New Delhi from October 27 to 29. The event is co-hosted by the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) and the Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI).
This year's IMC's topic is "Global Digital Innovation," making it the ideal venue for business executives, government representatives, academics, and other important stakeholders to network and present their technological advancements.
Over 100,000 people are expected to attend the India Mobile Congress 2023, including 5,000 senior executives, 350 guest speakers, and 400 exhibitors. IMC has become a crucial platform for leading industry experts to shape the future of digital innovation, with India taking the lead, since its launch in 2017. IMC has played a significant role in promoting India's position in the global market and has become a crucial platform for them to do so.
Last year, at the Indian Versatile Congress, Head of the state Narendra Modi sent off 5G in India, getting a huge reaction from the business.
What would the upcoming IMC 2023 be all about?
Advances in telecommunications technology, such as 6G, and the growing use of AI in various fields will be the focus of programs this year. Additionally, we will investigate the emergence of the India Stack, Edge Computing, and Industry 4.0.
By collaborating with organizations like Elecina, IESA, ISpA, DFI, and others, we also intend to expand our reach to related technology domains like satellite communications, manufacturing, semiconductors, and broadcasting. B2G and B2B forums, industry roundtables, university and student engagement programs, and global buyer forums will also be part of our initiatives.
Shri P.K. Mittal, Chairman of COAI, greeted the attendees and expressed his optimism that this year's largest telecom event in Asia would be a significant turning point for India's rapidly expanding technology sector.
As proposed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the purpose of the India Mobile Congress 2023 is to highlight India's significant role in the global digital revolution.
Innovative developments in a variety of fields, including 5G, 6G, satellite, semiconductors, drones, devices, and green technology, will be on display at the event.
This year, IMC is launching Aspire, a major start-up event aimed at encouraging young innovators and digital and telecom industry professionals to become entrepreneurs and grow their businesses. The primary objective of Aspire is to provide an exceptional experience, which includes areas for networking, pitching, investing, and workshop.