
Inheritance Mappings in Hibernate

PCQ Bureau
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Inheritance mapping and support for polymorphic queries was a crucial feature

missing in the traditional EJB 2.1 Entity Beans model. Hibernate, an Open Source

object-relational mapping and persistence framework provides three strategies

for entity inheritance. In the first of the series of two articles, we explore a

simple inheritance mapping strategy used in Hibernate ORM.


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Adv Java Developers

Map Java “IS-A” relationship to underlying d/b tables with

Hibernate's entity inheritance strategies

Primary Link: hib_docs/ reference/en/html/inheritance.html

Hibernate Inheritance Mappings

Table per class hierarchy

As the name suggests, in 'Table per class hierarchy' approach, there exists

only a single table in the database which represents each class in the

hierarchy. To demonstrate different mapping strategies in Hibernate, we'll use

the MedTracker app. We shall see how Hibernate can be used to map the 'IS-A'

association to a single database table.

The root of the inheritance hierarchy is defined by the Person class. We'll

define a class called Patient and have it extend the Person base class and

define an Employee class that extends the Patient class. Employees will be

treated with a special discount when they are admitted.


This is by far the most simple strategy to implement. The persistence engine

does not have to do any complex joins, unions, or sub selects when loading the

entity or when traversing a polymorphic relationship, because all data is stored

in one table. As an illustration, consider the following code snippet taken from

the mapping file to implement table per class hierarchy strategy.







As shown in this code, Hibernate uses the direct field access strategy

mechanism. This means that you don't have to get into the mess of providing a

getter/setter for every persistent property in the entity class. Hibernate can

directly access private fields using the Reflection API. The single table per

class hierarchy mapping requires an additional discriminator column. This column

identifies the type of entity being stored in a particular row of the database


The single database table which Hibernate will create on the fly is named

PERSON. The tag is used to map subclasses. Later, you'll notice that
the PERSON table possesses all the columns necessary to store every attribute of
the Person class hierarchy.

Hibernate's DB

schema generator tool will create only a single table in the database called

PERSON. This single DB table contains all persistent properties from every

class in the inheritance tree

Client application

The client code is simple. We'll use a static singleton to startup

Hibernate. The startup includes building a global SessionFactory object. A

SessionFactory can open up new Sessions. A Session represents a single-threaded

unit of work, while the SessionFactory is a thread-safe global object,

instantiated once.

Session session =



Person p=new Employee("Satish","Sharma","Male",26,"Common Cold",new
java.util.Date(),new Long(1));;





The single table per class hierarchy scales better than the other two

strategies that we'll discuss in the next issue. However, there's one big

limitation of this mapping strategy- columns declared by the subclasses may not

have NOT NULL constraints. In the next article, we'll explore the remaining two

inheritance mapping strategies-table per subclass and table per concrete class.
