
Live and Easy Packet Analysis

PCQ Bureau
New Update

Packet analysis has always been an integral part of any network audit. This

month we look at a packet analyzer tool that provides real time analysis of the

network, with easy to understand and informative reports. You can monitor

network traffic for bandwidth, errors and other events. It also lets you capture

traffic from multiple adapters simultaneously. Plus, you can view the analyzed

data of FTP transfers and HTTP requests, e-mail messages, etc. It can also log

the attachments coming through e-mails. This feature is very useful to keep a

check on the network against e-mail virus attacks.



IT managers 

$499 (single user license)

Detailed network and packet analysis with reports

Packet Analysis

To capture packets, you need to create or open a project. The tool divides

each project into three groups: Protocol Explorer, Physical Explorer and IP

Explorer. The Protocol Explorer provides diagnosis and information related to

protocols; Physical Explorer provides information about local segments,

gateways, broadcast and multicast addresses; while IP Explorer lists information

according to local subnets, Internet addresses, etc.

You can have multiple projects running at the same time, and information related
to these can be saved (including the packets captured by them) for analysis.

Step 1: Diagnosis

Like other network analyzers, this software too comes with filters to help you
catch the required packets. You can choose to use its default global or project

specific filters, or create your own filters. When you start capturing packets

for the first time, it will open its Project Settings window. Here you can

choose which network adapters you want to use for creating filters for packet

capturing and what logs the tool should

create, while capturing packets.


On the Settings Diagnosis tab, you can choose what kind of diagnosis the

software should perform on the network. By default it comes with a list of known

events, categorized by OSI layers-application layer, transport layer, network

layer and data link layer. You can choose the type of diagnosis that the packet

analyzer should do by choosing one of these events, or you can create your own

customized events.

Select the machine where you want to deploy the application from the Machine Tree on the left. Drag it to Machine Queue window on the right 

It shows live status of packets captured, lost, rejected, buffer usage, etc

at the bottom left corner under Project Status. One good thing about this tool

is that for analyzing captured traffic, you don't have to stop capturing

packets. The same can be done in real time. Now, to start analyzing, browse to

the Summary tab, where you can see a summary of network events. For details,

click on the Diagnosis tab. Here you can see errors and warnings flashing on

your screen, as and when they occur. The details of the events are shown

according to the diagnosis events chosen by you earlier. It will also show the

count of the number of times a particular event has occurred. Click on the

References tab to see details of the event.


Step 2: Analysis

To see the graphs of the network events, click on the Graphs tab. Here you can
see live graphs related to network utilization, packet size distribution,

errors, etc.

In the Diagnosis tab you can view a detailed analysis of the problems in your network

It also shows TCP analysis, E-mail analysis, FTP analysis and HTTP analysis

through these graphs. You can also compare two graphs. For this, select a graph,

click on the Compare Mode button and choose the other graph with which you want

to compare. The live IP Matrix of the network can also be viewed. Click on the

Matrix tab and choose the traffic types you want to include. Also choose whether

you want to see IP Matrix of all nodes or only the TOP nodes.


Step 3: TCP reconstruction

Packet Analyzer can reconstruct a TCP conversation that has taken place between
two end points. This can be done by clicking on the Conversation tab and by

choosing TCP. Select an item from the list of conversations. Now click on the

Stream tab. This will open conversation details including streams and logs in

plain text format. Similarly, if you want to view an HTTP conversation, choose

an HTTP conversation from the packet's sub-view and click on the Stream tab.

Here, it will show the data of all conversations, including URLs, .css and .js

files. Unfortunately, it doesn't have an option to decrypt the encrypted data.

Packet Analyzer can easily reconstruct a TCP conversation that has taken place between two end points

Step 4: Reports

Packet Analyzer creates separate reports for each project. By default it creates
reports of diagnosis events, protocol statistics, top ten IP protocols, physical

addresses, IP addresses, etc. To view reports click on the Reports tab and on

the new screen click on the report that you want to see.

These reports can also be saved separately in HTML format. One of the drawbacks
of this tool is that it doesn't let you

create your own reports.

You can view real time reports about the network such as network traffic and node behavior

However, you can customize its default reports template. For this, go to the

Reports tab and click on Options push button. In the window that pops up, choose

the reports that you want to see and also how you want to see them.
