
Log4j vulnerability: A major disaster that the tech industry faced

PCQ Bureau
New Update

A serious cyber risk vulnerability was found in an open-source Apache Foundation which compromised the IT landscape, creating a meltdown in the tech world. Log4j is a logging utility tool built on Java. It stores the logging information on an LDAP server. This is a flaw that exposes some of the major applications leading to data compromise and breaches by bad actors. As the reach of Log4j was vast panning across businesses to common people, the havoc created will continue to haunt the internet for years to come.


Log4j records events, messages, and communicates with the system administrators. For example, on a log-in page if you’re entering your credentials this gets recorded and logged on a server. Another example is when you enter a wrong URL and a 404-error message pops up, this message also gets logged on an administrator server using Log4j.

What is Log4shell and how was it discovered?

The Alibaba cloud security team was the first to discover the vulnerabilities in the Log4j and how it was being used to exploit systems using Log4shell. Experienced bad actors were easily able to hack the system as the vulnerability was impacting the Log4j core functionality. The code being open source and publicly available posed a greater risk to the application security at large.


Log4shell allows hackers to execute code remotely and get access to the data on the compromised device to delete the encrypted files or hold sensitive data in exchange for a hefty ransom. Cyber criminals have compromised millions of devices that were using the vulnerable version of Log4j to capitalize on the stolen data.

What was the impact of Log4j on a global scale?

Log4j’s position in the global software ecosystem is to log entries for many major applications made it highly susceptible to uncontrollable damage. Log4j is used in many prominent software applications like iCloud, Amazon Web Services, Minecraft, Software Development Tools, and Security Tools. 


This shows that the hackers have a wide range of devices to choose from and hack the system based on the value of data. Individual users, service providers, security researchers were all at risk. Large enterprises were quick to respond and made efforts to patch their systems as fast as they could to avert the crisis. However, many small players took time to find a solution or even acknowledge that this is a huge issue for them.

Hacker groups globally tried exploiting the Log4j vulnerabilities to mine bitcoins, locked down the Minecraft server, and gain access to the classified information of rivals. 

What can be done to mitigate future risks of security vulnerabilities like Log4j?

Identifying if the system uses the right software is a major task as most of the time logging and patching software are not sold or installed as a separate unit but is bundled with the primary software. Administrators need to check the software about its presence, identify the version and then update or patch the system. Another major issue with the security vulnerabilities is - no single solution for all devices! The solution for the system is based on how it is integrated, each software and application will need a different approach to fix it.  

Steps to mitigate application vulnerabilities:

Install a firewall: Adding another level of security will reduce the risk of data being stolen by preventing attackers from reaching the storage location.


Server testing by exploitation: Attack your server using the exploit code and check for vulnerabilities before the attacker does that.  

Update servers: Update and upgrade your existing servers using the latest version and make sure the application being run on the servers is also updated or patched with the latest version.

With Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) on the rise, bad actors are continuously looking for new ways to exploit the system and get access to networks. Security vulnerabilities have opened gates to multiple cyber-attacks on individuals and organizations. It’s high time, organizations become proactive in putting cybersecurity solutions in place to secure sensitive data. 

The article is authored by Hardik Panchal, GM- Network Service, Rahi 

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