
Managed IT Services - DR and BCP

PCQ Bureau
New Update

There's no winner in the 100-499 employee segment in this category as there weren't enough responses. In the 500-1000 employees category, Airtel leads by a fair margin, followed by Sify, Net4India, Reliance Infocomm, Omnitech, and VSNL in that order. The top two brands in the User's Choice club enjoy similar ToM recall percentages, 28% for Airtel and 25% for Sify.


Brand loyalties in this segment are very high across the board, with 100% of respondents who currently use Airtel and Omnitech's services saying they're likely to stay with them in the future also. Remaining brands enjoyed 75% loyalty.

A further break up of the results reveals that the respondents who currently own Airtel quote brand value, reliability, and good after sales/service as the key reasons. Those who currently own Sify quoted brand value and reliability as the key reasons. 64/% the respondents who're likely to use Airtel in the future quoted brand value as the key reason, while another 55% gave reliability as the key reason. Sify was slightly better off here, with 78% who were likely to shift quoting brand value as the reason, and another 78% quoting reliability.


Interestingly, price is not a key criteria while going for a DR and BCP solution, becasue very few respondents gave initial price as their reason for shifting (for Airtel and Sify). This is logical because you require a good brand name and reliability in a DR and BCP solution.


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