
Managed IT Services - Server

PCQ Bureau
New Update

A category, completely dominated by HP and IBM in both the 100-499 and the 500-1000 employee segments. However, HP tops the Users' Choice Club by some distance. While both enjoy similar brand loyalty in the 100-499 segment, its the 500-1000 employees segment where HP gains traction over IBM with ratings of 92% as compared to latter's 76%.


The top of mind recall for HP is also significantly higher at 59% as compared to IBM's 34% in the larger segment. The corresponding figures for the smaller segment are 41% and 24% respectively. So complete is the domination of the two that other vendors don't event touch 10% for this particular parameter. HP has strong mindshare across all four zones-North, East, South and West and all verticals barring one-IT/ITES-in the 100-499 segment. But the competition is more intense in the 500-1000 segment with IBM toppling it in North and South and in IT/ITES, Healthcare and Education verticals.


Coming to reasons for using a brand in the 100-499 segment, HP scores more approval points for brand value at 89% as compared to IBM's 60%. However, product reliability is considered a key reason by 95% of those who said they were currently using IBM's services in this segment. HP stood at 78% for reliability.

he scenario remains the same for the 500-1000 segment, except in after sales service/support parameter. Here, approvals for IBM run at 76% as compared to 46% for HP. This is in sharp contrast to the near equal ratings enjoyed by the two for this parameter in the 100-499 segment. Scrutinizing the likely choice of HP or IBM amongst future users, we find contrasting situations for both HP and IBM. In 100-499, HP outscores IBM 81% to 53%, while the scenario reverses in the larger segment, with IBM getting 62% approvals to HP's 47%.

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