In India, Xiaomi unveiled MIUI 14, its Interface based on Android 13. In order to enhance the overall smartphone experience, MIUI 14 adds new features like improved RAM and internal storage utilisation, a redesigned home screen, aesthetically pleasing widgets, original wallpapers, and a variety of other tweaks.
The smartphone asserts that MIUI 14 will enable Xiaomi and Redmi smartphones to provide users a more innovative convenience functionality, all-in-one creativity features, and a more convenient experience in addition to a more creative user interface with optimised performance. The features that will be added to Xiaomi and Redmi smartphones over the next few days are listed below.
MIUI 14 Design
Users will now be able to arrange their smartphone's home screen to their liking with MIUI 14. With the help of tabular icons, big folders, widgets, and wallpapers, users can now customize their home screens.
For a distinctive visual experience, Xiaomi has designed MIUI 14 with a card-style design. The design will now better present the information on your screen. In addition, MIUI 14 introduces a photo gallery, four additional weather widgets, three new clock widgets, and redesigned battery and step counter options.
Optimized UI and ROM
With MIUI 14, users can also make the settings page look better in general. MIUI 14 makes it easier than ever to access the settings you want by reducing the number of redundant entries, narrowing the line spacing, and making icons that are easier to recognize.
Smart ROM Optimization is included in MIUI 14 to boost performance. By analyzing apps that aren't used often, this new system-level feature can reduce the amount of cached storage used by as much as 3GB over three months.
MIUI has also been reduced in size to make the user experience even better. This can add up to 4GB of additional storage to phones with 128GB of storage, allowing users to install more apps.
Additionally, the 19 system apps that are used the most have had their RAM usage reduced by 11% in MIUI 14.
More tools for a better experience for users MIUI 14 encourages users to be creative by providing them with more tools for a better experience. New features like the ability to copy text from a gallery photo, remove objects from an image, and a voice-based shutter that automatically captures your favorite moments have been added to meet the requirements.