
Auto-Record Your WhatsApp Calls

Have you ever needed to record an essential call on WhatsApp but were unable to do so because the instant messaging app does not permit call recordings? You are not alone in this; many people have faced similar circumstances at some point.

Preeti Anand
New Update
Auto-Record Your WhatsApp Calls

Have you ever needed to record an essential call on WhatsApp but were unable to do so because the instant messaging app does not permit call recordings? You are not alone in this; many people have faced similar circumstances at some point. But what if we told you there's a technique to record your WhatsApp calls? We've prepared this step-by-step instruction for you to follow, and once you've finished all of the procedures outlined here, you'll be able to record WhatsApp calls.




How To Manually Record WhatsApp Calls With The Voice Recorder App?


If you have an Android phone, there is a good chance that it comes preloaded with a voice recording app. Use the following methods to record WhatsApp calls:

      Start your WhatsApp call.

      If you're using a smartphone that supports multitasking, you should be able to exit the WhatsApp call without ending it.


      Open the voice recording app.

      Hit record.



How to Automatically Record WhatsApp Calls with the Voice Recorder App

      Google Play and search for 'Cube Call App' or 'Cube Call Recorder.'

      Install the application.


      Launch the Cube ACR application.

      Switch to WhatsApp.

      The app will begin recording your WhatsApp audio calls immediately and display a widget at the top.


      When you complete the call, the recording will be saved to your device's internal memory and Cube Recorder — ACR's dashboard.


How To Record WhatsApp Voice Calls, Via Mac


      Download and install QuickTime for free on your Mac.

      Connect your iPhone to your Mac via a USB cable.

      Launch QuickTime Player on your Mac.

      Select 'File', then 'New Audio Recording'.

      Click the small down arrow next to the red 'Record' icon, then choose 'iPhone' as your recording device.

      Press the record button in QuickTime.

      Make a WhatsApp call from your iPhone, then click the Add User icon.

      Call the individual with whom you wish to record the call, and QuickTime will begin recording.

      When you end the call, your WhatsApp voice call recording will be instantly saved as a file on your Mac.



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