There are growing concerns that Telegram, a popular messaging app with over 5 million users in India, might face a ban following recent developments. The Indian government has initiated an investigation into the app, focusing on allegations of extortion and gambling activities conducted through its platform.
This investigation, spearheaded by both the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, is scrutinizing Telegram's peer-to-peer communication features, which are reportedly being exploited for illegal activities.
According to sources cited by Moneycontrol, officials are particularly concerned about Telegram's potential involvement in facilitating criminal activities, including gambling and extortion. However, as of now, Telegram has not released any official statement regarding these allegations or the ongoing investigation.
How did it all start?
Adding to the controversy, Telegram's CEO and founder, Pavel Durov, was recently arrested in Paris. His arrest is linked to the platform's moderation policies, or the lack thereof, which French authorities claim have enabled criminal activities to go undetected.
Durov is facing multiple charges, including allegations related to the distribution of child pornography. This arrest has intensified scrutiny on Telegram globally. In light of these developments, the Indian IT Ministry has requested the Ministry of Home Affairs to review any existing complaints against Telegram in India and determine what actions might be necessary.
How is India reacting to the situation?
While the IT Ministry itself is not responsible for investigating such matters, it is urging a thorough examination of the situation to assess whether similar issues could be occurring within the country. The outcome of this investigation could significantly impact Telegram's future in India.