The PUBG Mobile PMCO South Asia Fall Split finals ended a couple of days ago with the event venue jam packed with fans of the game. The regional final was won by Entity Gaming’s squad and Team SouL took the second position. They won $60,000 and $30,000 respectively and have qualified for the PMCO Fall Split Grand Finals. Just yesterday, one of SouL’s star players and captain, Naman MortaL Mathur announced on Facebook that he would be donating his part of the winnings to the Indian Army entirely.
He said in the post “I would like to dedicate our qualification into globals to the Indian Army and will be donating the entire amount of my share to the Indian Army.”
Team SynerGE, Team Insidious and TeamIND, which stood 3rd, 4th, and 5th respectively have qualified for the PMCO Global Finals Prelims. The PMCO Global finals will take place from 29th November to 1st December at the Putra World Trade Centre in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.