
Most Innovative: Mahindra & Mahindra

PCQ Bureau
New Update

TransXS Corporate Personnel Movement System is running in

many BPO operations. It is made designed for Mahindra and Mahindra by Visesh

Infotecnics. The specific implementation considered was the Morgan Chase BPO.

The number of  transport units picking up or dropping off employees are

very high, and this is done virtually round the clock. Making sure that each

transport unit,  is on its designated route and running to time is also a

tough task.



The operations and commercial side of the Railways needed computerization
due to the huge amount of data and reports generated


A 3-tier solution with two modules for rake management (operations) and
terminal management (commercial) for real time information



Center for Railway Information System (CRIS), under Ras Behari Das, Group
General Manager, FOIS and team



Alpha servers, Oracle, Tuxedo, BEA WebLogic. Application and database
servers in separate load balancing clusters
Amit Kumar,

Head IT InitiativesMahindra & Mahindra TSG

Business case

Obviously, the transport bill is huge and there can be high levels of
inefficiencies  in route allocation  Even though the vehicles are

equipped with a two-way radio set the driver can often hoodwink his supervisor

by reporting wrong locations or faking problems when delayed. Also, since such

vehicles usually run empty atleast one way and the drivers often pick up illegal

passengers  making a tidy sum as pocket money.

So, how do you go about streamlining this process and make

it more efficient and accountable?


The solution

A GPS fed monitoring system was the solution. Each transport unit is

equipped with a GPS transmitter and this feeds information to a centralized

monitoring location from where operators can monitor the progress of vehicles.

They can do efficient route planning so that employees get from their homes to

office and vice versa in the quickest possible way.

When they detect that vehicles are diverging from where

they're supposed to be or are running late, they can call up the driver or

authorized passengers in the vehicle. The TransXS application server and

TransXS planning server are hosted centrally to track  information being

sent by the  GPS unit in the vehicle. These servers use static IP addresses

over an IPSec connection over the Internet.

They are connected over a LAN to operators who monitor the

progress of the vehicles. A GSM gateway is used to send messages to and from the

vehicle. Another advantage of the system is that the operators may be sitting

anywhere in the world since they connect to the system through the Internet.


Future plans for the project envisage a system to remotely

stop the vehicle if repeated transgressions or violent diversions are noticed.


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