
Multi-Tech FaxFinder FF100 Fax Server

PCQ Bureau
New Update

This device can truly help an organization get rid of the traditional paper
based fax and the hassles associated with it. It listens to all incoming fax
requests on your number, receives them, and sends them across to a user. The
FaxFinder Fax Server, simply requires a phone line and an Ethernet cable to
connect to the local LAN. It comes with a single 10/100 Ethernet port for
connecting to your office network.


You can access its management console over a browser that allows configuring
the device as per your existing network setup. These settings include giving the
device an IP address, specifying the Domain Name server, Default Gateway, an
SMTP server and an administrative mail id.


Rs. 38,000 (1 yr warranty)

Key Specs:

33.6K fax communication, 10/100 Ethernet Port, Client and management software, TIFF converter and viewer

MultiTech Computers, Gurgaon Tel: 2340778 E-mail: 

Optionally you can also install the admin application on your server for
accessing the FaxFinder. It can route all incoming faxes to a user mail id
specified to it. Moreover, it comes with the FaxFinder Client software that can
be installed on all nodes. which can then send faxes electronically. It converts
the file being sent or received into '.tiff' format. The users listed in the
phonebook for FaxFinder then get mails with the fax message attached as a '.tiff'
file. It uses MMR compression on data being sent. While the one we got, had a
single POTS port, some models also support DID (direct Inward Dialing) to DTMF
(Dual Tone Multiple Frequency) conversion and use the latter to route faxes to


The management console is a basic one, though it provides pages for
administration and configuration, setting up phone book that contains names and
their fax numbers, modem settings, and viewing current status. There are no
access controls to control who can use it and who cannot.

Whenever the device receives a fax, it automatically sends a status message to
the admin's mail-id.

The configurations also allow you to choose whether to turn on ECM (Error
Correction Mode) or not. We tried sending and receiving faxes with the equipment
and it worked pretty well.

One can even send image files using the device, but you need to be really
patient on the receiving end with 9600 bps transfer speed.


Bottom Line: The device does routing of faxes to mails and sends faxes
from mails as well. We liked everything about this device except the hefty
price. At this price tag, you could very well buy a full-featured fax machine or
even a multi-function device.

Anadi Misra


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