
Network Vulnerability Testing Through OpenVAS

OpenVAS is a framework of several services and tools offering a comprehensive vulnerability scanning and management solution

Rajkumar Maurya
New Update
Network Vulnerability Testing Through OpenVAS

OpenVAS is a framework of several services and tools offering a comprehensive vulnerability scanning and management solution


OpenVAS known as Open Vulnerability Assessment System is the open source vulnerability suite to run the test against servers, for known vulnerabilities, using the database (Network Vulnerability Tests). OpenVAS is a free software and its components are licensed under GNU General Public License (GNU GPL).

Note: Download Centos OS from the DVD in October edition.

Step 1: Setup the Repository using the following command in the terminal to install atomic repo.
wget -q -O - |sh
Accept the license Agreement.


Step 2: System Repo (Only for RHEL):
OpenVAS installation requires additional packages to be downloaded from internet. If your system does not have Redhat subscription, you need to setup the CentOS repository. CentOS machines does not require the above repo setup, the system automatically creates it during the installation.


 vi /etc/yum.repos.d/centos.repo

Add the following lines.

32 bit

64 bit

Step3: Upgrade, Install & Setup OpenVAS:
To install Upgrades and install OpenVAS run the following command.

 Yum install upgrades
 yum -y install openvas

Once the installation completes, start the OpenVAS setup by using the below mentioned command.

Step 4: Upon completion, the setup would ask you to configure listening IP address.
Step 2: Configure GSAD
The Greenbone Security Assistant is a Web Based front end for managing scans. By default it is configured to only allow connections from localhost.Allow connections from any IP? yes
Stopping greenbone-security-assistant:            < OK >
Starting greenbone-security-assistant:              < OK >

Step 5: Configure admin user.
Step 3: Choose the GSAD admin users password.


The admin user is used to configure accounts,
Update NVT’s manually, and manage roles.
Enter administrator username : admin
Enter Administrator Password:
Verify Administrator Password:
main:MESSAGE:19950:2014-04-21 23h12.39 PDT: No rules file provided, the new user will have no restrictions.
main:MESSAGE:19950:2014-04-21 23h12.39 PDT: User admin has been successfully created.

Create a new user after entering the password by pressing Ctrl+D.
Step 4: Create a user

Using /var/tmp as a temporary file holder.
Add a new openvassd user
Login : openvas
Authentication (pass/cert) :
Login password :
Login password (again) :
User rules
openvassd has a rules system which allows you to restrict the hosts that openvas has the right to test.
For instance, you may want him to be able to scan his own host only.
Please see the openvas-adduser(8) man page for the rules syntax.
Enter the rules for this user, and hit ctrl-D once you
are done:
(the user can have an empty rules set)
Login    :    openvas
Password    :    ***********
Rules    :
Is that ok? (y/n) y
user added.


Starting openvas-administrator...
Starting openvas-administrator:
< OK >

Step 6: Once completed, you would see the following message.
Setup complete, you can now access GSAD at:
Disable IPtables:
iptables -F
/etc/init.d/iptables save
Create Certificate for OpenVAS manager.
openvas-mkcert-client -n om -i
Start the OpenVAS scanner. It will load all the downloaded plugins.

Step7: Now Rebuild the OpenVAS database.

 openvasmd –rebuild

Once Completed, Start the OpenVAS manager.


Step8: Open your browser and point to https://your-ip-address:9392. Login with the username and the password created by you.



Step9: After login, you see the main screen with IP scan box where you have to type the IP which you want to scan.


Step10: Now you should see the immediate task requested as shown below.


Step11: Click on the task to view the details of the scan (shown below), scanning completed. You can click on reports to see the details of the vulnerability report.


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