The Poco X6 5G is now available in India with a new 12GB RAM and 256GB storage variant. The latest update arrived one month after the device was released. The Poco X6 5G was launched in the country with 8GB RAM + 256GB and 12GB RAM + 512GB storage options. Its core focus lies on raw performance, boasting a powerful Snapdragon 7s Gen 2 processor with a massive 12GB RAM option for the top-tier variant. Coupled with 256GB of storage, this phone caters to those who demand smooth multitasking, lag-free gaming, and ample space for media and apps. It operates on the Snapdragon 7s Gen 2 SoC. The Poco X6 5G includes an AMOLED display with 1.5K resolution and a triple back camera arrangement, led by the 64-megapixel primary camera.
Poco X6 5G Price in India
The newly announced Poco X6 5G edition with 12GB RAM and 256GB storage costs Rs. 23,999. It is presently available in Mirror Black and Snowstorm White through Flipkart. Customers who pay with ICICI, HDFC, Axis, or SBI bank cards or through EMI transactions can receive a Rs. 3,000 discount.
The new version will join the 8GB + 256GB and 12GB + 512GB RAM and storage models, which have been available in India since the phone's introduction in January. The base variation is priced at Rs. 21,999, while the top-end model costs Rs. 24,999.
Poco X6 5G Specifications
The Poco X6 5G runs HyperOS based on Android 14. The handset will receive three Android upgrades and four years of security patches. Poco X6 5G has a 6.67-inch 1.5K (1,220x2,712 pixel) display with a 120Hz refresh rate and 1,800 nits of peak brightness. It is powered by the Snapdragon 7s Gen 2 SoC, with up to 12 GB of RAM and 512 GB of storage.
The Poco X6 has three rear cameras: a 64-megapixel primary camera with OIS, an 8-megapixel ultra-wide-angle camera, and a 2-megapixel macro camera. It sports a 16-megapixel selfie camera. The Poco X6 is powered by a 5,100mAh battery that supports 67W rapid charging.