The OnePlus 12 launch date has been pushed to 5 December, making it official in China. The OnePlus 12 phone was supposed to be introduced during the company's 10th anniversary celebrations. OnePlus has released high-quality pictures revealing the design of its forthcoming flagship smartphone just days before its official debut. The official renders back up the leaked schematics and causes we've seen in recent weeks. The OnePlus 12 includes a hole-punch display and a triple camera configuration with Hasselblad branding on the back.
OnePlus has debuted the official look of the OnePlus 12
OnePlus has debuted the official look of the OnePlus 12 via Weibo, just a day after promising Pale Green, Rock Black, and White colour options (translated from Chinese). According to the renderings, the selfie camera will be housed in a punch-hole cutout in the display. The display has curved edges and small bezels all around. The OnePlus 12 handset has a spherical camera module with the Hasselblad logo in the middle at the back.
The company's photos indicate a design identical to that of its predecessor, the OnePlus 11, which was released in China in January. As you can see, prior leaks from Steve H. McFly (@OnLeaks) and others appear reasonably correct.
OnePlus 12: To Release in China on 5 December
The OnePlus 12 will be released in China on 5 December at 2:30 pm local time (12:0pm IST), following the company's 10th anniversary celebrations the day before. OnePlus is already accepting pre-orders for the phone through its online store and It could be released globally in January.
OnePlus 12: Specifications
The OnePlus 12 will feature a 2K resolution BOE ProXDR display with a peak brightness of 2,600 nits. OnePlus 12 is touted to be the first smartphone in China with a 2K resolution display to earn DisplayMate A+ certification. The Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 SoC will power it. OnePlus 12 will have a new generation X-axis motor built-in for gaming. It runs ColorOS 14, which is based on Android 14. A Sony LYTIA LYT808 primary rear camera sensor and a 64-megapixel periscope telephoto lens will also be included.