

PCQ Bureau
New Update

PacketShaper is a solution that lets you manage bandwidth to ensure that casual traffic like FTP, browsing or chatting is kept in check, while business-critical applications like ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) get the required bandwidth. This hardware device sits between a switch or hub in your local network and the router that connects to your WAN or the Internet. 


PacketShaper monitors network traffic and displays application-wise and user-wise bandwidth usage. It reports information consisting of details like application response time, time spent in transit, time spent on the server, comparison between actual performance and service-level goals, and average and peak traffic levels. You can use this information to allocate bandwidth according to the importance of applications using it. 

The PacketShaper Policy console, which you can access through any Web browser, allows the administrator to monitor and make policies to allocate bandwidth minimums and maximums to individual sessions or to applications as a whole, and to control incoming or outgoing traffic. The company claims that, in contrast to a router-based solution, Packetshaper shapes bi-directional traffic without resorting to queues that induce unnecessary packet loss and retransmission. 

The price of PacketShaper depends on which model you want.

The entry-level model costs Rs 2,50,000.

Contact: Datapro, Pune E-mail:


Tel: 020-5432900/11 Fax: 5432913 

Sandeep Saxena in Mumbai
