According to an online tech retailer, PCByte, determining whether a PC or Mac gaming laptop or desktop is better really depends on what the system is being used for. There are advantages and disadvantages to both systems, with various aspects that need to be considered to decide which is the best gaming laptop or desktop computer for the individual's needs and preferences.
When it comes to the graphics, generally only the more expensive Mac models come with dedicated graphics, whereas the more affordable models usually rely on integrated Intel graphics, which doesn't make for the smoothest gaming experience. While high-end graphics for PCs can also be expensive, there are many affordable versions capable of supporting an enjoyable gaming experience.
PCByte indicates that some of the biggest advantages a gaming PC has over a Mac are the cost and ability to upgrade. If a Mac is upgradeable, generally only the memory and storage drive can be upgraded. Windows computers, on the other hand, have more hardware accessory choices, with more flexibility to configure a custom system, as well as more flexibility to upgrade later. The capacity for upgrades on a PC means that a user can create a system that is ideal for their needs.
Gaming requires a fast processor, and Mac Pro computers usually come with powerful processors capable of supporting modern video games. Unfortunately, the Mac Pro series computers are much pricier when compared to a PC with the same capabilities.
Despite efforts by Apple to create Macs that are better for gaming, not all games are compatible with the macOS system. As PCByte explains, game developers are still more inclined to release versions for Windows over macOS, meaning the selection for Mac users is limited and often delayed.
According to PCByte, while the Mac system has improved over the past few years, there is no denying that the best gaming PC runs on Windows. What it comes down to is the overall suitability of the hardware for gaming and the better selection of titles available.