For every query you make on the Internet, starting from the most relevant to the search phrase entered, there are simply thousands of results. Then you have to pain yourself through manually evaluating the best hit for your query by either
going through the summary below every link or by opening the link and checking it. You usually end up with a page which
doesn't have what you want. Thus, wasting time, effort and bandwidth. This is where Browster comes in.
Browster is a free-to-download, intelligently developed search time reduction plug-in for IE and Mozilla Firefox. It keeps a watch on your browsers for search results from Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc. While the
results are being displayed, it silently downloads (pre-fetches) all the found links'
content, and lets you preview the content of every link as is, without having to open any of them. As a result, it speeds up access to search-engine results and other frequently visited pages on the Web.
Binesh Kutty