Jugaad is a concept every Indian understands. For those unfamiliar with the concept of Jugaad, it basically boils down to making the best of what you have with the limited resources at your disposal. It seems like some Indians got together and decided to make a PUBG Mobile that was not PUBG mobile but yet it was PUBG Mobile. Confused yet. Well, meet the Indian PUBG M called PABJE. Not the most innovative of names but frankly PABJE doesn't need a special name. It is honest to God parody of PUBG mobile and honestly, it is quite fun to play if you are not being too competitive. Also, PABJE is developed by One Touch games and it also has a PABJE Lite for good measure. The devs did not want to leave anything to chance I guess.
PUBG Mobile Indian Alternative PABJE Review:
Well, the game is very buggy but only if you would review it like you would any other game. But this is not any other game, it is a parody of PUBG Mobile so it will be reviewed as a parody of PUBG Mobile. So to start off with PABJE doesn't give any map options or server options or even an option to customize your avatar in the game. PABJE has done this so players don't have to waste time with selecting maps or different game modes.
There is no duo or squad matches in PABJE at all since you cannot trust anyone to help you in a survival situation. You open the game and get directly brought on to the map which is unnamed as of yet but for the sake of the review we are going to call it Orange 2.0. So the moment the game starts you will be dropped in the match along with 99 other players. There are no airplanes or helicopters taking you to the map or any choice in where you want to drop. I personally believe PABJE does this to keep the game as real as it can be to a survival situation.
There are rifles like Scar and even helicopters that you can fly around to travel on the map. Though that also raises the question of why did they not add a cinematic entrance but it is not the most pressing issue. The main issue that players will encounter playing PABJE is that there is no crosshair or a target point to aim at the enemies. At least until you get an AWM from an airdrop. Yes there are airdrops and the AWM still will kill your enemy in one shot but the lack of crosshair did make it tricky to aim at the enemies.