
Sage is The Most Underrated Agent in Valorant, New META for Sage

We're going to be breaking down Sage in this Valorant guide. New META for sage is here now. Learn how to use Sage in Valorant properly here.

Sushant Rohan Singh
New Update
Valorant Tournament

We're going to be breaking down the most underrated agent in the entire game that is actually overpowered. Seeing pro play has an incredibly high win rate in your ranked games and if you've been really struggling in ranked recently then this might be the perfect agent that you should pick up. The character that we have in question as some of you might have already guessed is none other than Sage. Notoriously sage saw quite a bit of play in EU as a specific counter to the rush multiple duelist meta that you're seeing a lot in rank. She is still very dominant in pro play and we're gonna tell you exactly how to tap into that aspect of Sage.


Sage in ranked play has one of the highest win rates across all ranks in Valorant. Because of this Sage is the perfect candidate for something that can have tons of solo impact while still maintaining a decent amount of intrinsic value. That is going to be bringing you an above-average win rate in every one of your games. All that combined creates the agent that is incredibly underrated and very overpowered.

#1 Sage's Slow Orb


Sage's slow orb in Valorant is one of those abilities that is really amazing for preventing rushes, denying space, and splitting enemy teams. It also allows for an easy swing on enemies because if you catch any enemy on slow orbs you can not only swing them and they have a harder time actually retreating but you don't have to be afraid of them swinging you back which happens a lot of the time. On top of this if you're trying to set up like an ability combo where you're doing an omen paranoia or your team wants to swing an aggressive angle using the slow orb to first prevent an enemy from actually swinging y'all when you're using your abilities can be one of the best ways to set up a play and that's something that's really underrated.

#2 Barrier Orb

Barrier orb is not just one of the most powerful abilities on Sage, it's just one of the most powerful abilities in Valorant period. One of the most impactful solo abilities in the entire game. One amazing aspect of the barrier orb is it can block off rushes especially when enemies use their ultimate.


When like a bridge for instance saves his rolling thunder they all get close to a point. He rolling thunders the point and then everyone just rushes. You could still put up that barrier wall to prevent enemies just long enough to make it so the rolling thunder doesn't last anymore. All of a sudden the enemies are stuck in a really bad situation where they no longer can guarantee that the people that they hit with the rolling thunder are still actually stunned. They have to use a lot of their ammo to kill the wall so they either have to back up and reload or push in with low ammo. It really messes up the entire push and if you combine this with slow orb or slow orb after the wall it basically completely stops a rush push.

#3 New Valorant Sage META

Let's talk about all the crazy angles that you can hold as Sage in Valorant. For instance, you can actually barrier wall outside of let's say hookah on defense and you could be playing above in a very weird angle that most people would never expect. All you got to do is understand that if you actually place that sage wall and jump out as it's actually spawning. A lot of times you won't break a hold that you normally would and you could be hanging outside on a ledge or outside of an area on high ground where you normally would never be able to be and enemies are never going to have their crosshair placement to that appropriate angle. This can be a way to get some cheeky kills on enemies that just never would think to check there.

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