
iOS 18 Updates: Apple's Siri Likely to Get ChatGPT Update

Apple is reportedly planning a significant upgrade to its digital assistant, Siri, by incorporating an advanced language model similar to OpenAI's ChatGPT, which could enable more natural and intuitive conversations.

Kapish Khajuria
New Update
iOS 18 updates

Apple is reportedly planning a significant upgrade to its digital assistant, Siri, by incorporating an advanced language model similar to OpenAI's ChatGPT, which could enable more natural and intuitive conversations.


This development, highlighted by Bloomberg's Mark Gurman in his newsletter, Power On, suggests a strategic partnership with OpenAI that may bring ChatGPT’s capabilities directly to iPhones, providing users with instant conversational functionality.

Despite Siri’s early introduction in 2011, Apple has lagged behind competitors like Google, Microsoft, and OpenAI, which have successfully integrated generative AI into their digital assistants. However, Siri is on the cusp of a major transformation. According to Gurman, Apple aims to enhance Siri by utilizing a sophisticated language model to elevate its conversational abilities to match those of ChatGPT.

iOS 18 updates with ChatGPT integration


To achieve this, Apple plans to leverage its large language models, powered by high-end Mac chips housed in its data centers. This cloud-based AI processing will enable Siri to conduct more natural, context-aware conversations with users, making interactions more fluid and responsive.

In addition to these fundamental improvements, Siri is expected to receive a host of new features designed to make it more proactive and useful in daily tasks. Among the anticipated upgrades are capabilities such as automatically summarizing notifications, providing concise summaries while browsing on Safari, and transcribing voice memos. These enhancements will streamline user experiences, making Siri a more integral part of daily digital interactions.

How Apple is planning to provide ChatGPT access to its users?


One of the most noteworthy aspects of this development is the potential partnership between Apple and OpenAI. Gurman indicates that Apple is exploring ways to integrate OpenAI's GPT language model into the upcoming iOS 18, effectively bringing ChatGPT to iPhone users. This collaboration could be officially announced at WWDC 2024. Apple has also considered licensing AI technology from Google, though no agreement has been finalized.

While the partnership with OpenAI promises to enhance Siri's capabilities in the short term, Apple recognizes the need to develop its own AI chatbot to remain competitive in the long run.

However, there is hesitation among Apple executives about creating an in-house chatbot due to concerns over potential controversies that could harm the company’s reputation. These apprehensions stem from recent issues surrounding AI chatbots in the tech industry.


Gurman’s newsletter notes that Apple’s forthcoming AI announcements may not generate as much excitement as recent innovations from OpenAI and Google. Sources within Apple admit that the company is playing catch-up in the AI space and are concerned about whether users will embrace these new features. Despite these challenges, Apple’s efforts to enhance Siri demonstrate a clear commitment to advancing its digital assistant’s capabilities and regaining a competitive edge in the rapidly evolving AI landscape.

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